A Brave Face

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I was almost fearful for what was about to come. Even with that, I put up a brave face.


I looked around to see the others casting amused looks. What did I just do?

"Trouble, I dare you to... trade one piece of clothing with the person on your left."

My eyes widened. I looked over to my left. Nathan. He looked at me.

Numbly, I stood up. He followed my lead.

I noticed the slightest of a blush forming on his face.

We walked towards his room.

In there, I just sat on his bed.

What piece of clothing would I trade?

I dropped my gaze down, and it landed on his clothed foot.

Wait, SOCKS!

"Nathan, let's trade socks!"

"Peanut, you are a genious!"

I pried off my black socks with stripes of pink as he pulled off his black socks.

I pulled his socks on, and they were larger than I thought. How big are Nathan's feet?

He grunted, attempting to pull my socks on. He was stretching them, and Meanie was sure to be bad. Too bad, this is his fault anyways.

We walked out, and I was giggling.

Every head turned towards us. Eyes were scanning our appearance, and I blushed.

"What piece of clothes did you trade?" Luke asked.

I lifted my foot up, smiling brightly.

"What the fuck Trouble?"

"We traded sock! See, look, he has girly, pink striped ones!"

"And I'm rocking them, too." Nathan said.

"Everyone knows I would rock the pink striped socks better than any of you, sorry Sang." Sean winked at me.

I giggled. Meanie's eyes narrowed. "He's stretching your fucking socks."

"Your fault, not ours." Nathan said.

Gabe grumbled something. Kota gestured for me to sit in his lap.

He pulled me down. "North, truth or dare?" I asked.

"Dare," he didn't hesitate.

I smiled, I knew what do this time. "North, I dare you to let Luke make you some sugary meal, and you have to eat every last bite."

He glared, and Luke popped up from his seat, practically skipping to the kitchen.

"Come on Sang, you have to help me!" I giggled, prancing towards Luke.

In no time, a whole stack of chocolate chip pancakes were made. I dumped a bucket of syrup on it for the finishing touch.

"Oh North!" I sang out. "Come and get your delicious meal!"

We made him wait out in the living room, along with everybody else.

"I swear," his voice boomed. "If it's fucking chocolate chip pancakes, someone's getting their ass kicked!"

Luke and I shared a grin, laughing as North's face changed menacingly.

He looked at me, and suddenly, it relaxed slightly.

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