The Real Truth Hidden

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My stomach growled, and all movement in the pool stopped, everyone looking at me.

I blushed, it wasn't that big of a matter, was it?

"Holy shit, Trouble, you sounded like a walrus!"

The red in my face increased.

North smacked him upside the head, growling something lowly.

Gabe looked triumphant.

"I do believe that that signifies dinner?" Sean winked at me.

"What are we having?" I asked, "Or better yet, what am I making?"

"Can you make cowboy soup?" Nathan asked. I laughed.

"Of course.

Silas, Kota, and Luke came in to help me when we were all dry and changed. I put my hair in a bun on the top of my head, just to annoy meanie.

A few of the guys muttered something about needing to take a cold shower... whatever that meant.

I had the soup finished in no time. "Hey Si, can you get plates out and set them up?"

"Of course aggele."

I turned to see Luke dipping his finger into the pot. I smacked him with the wooden spoon in my hand. He jumped back, sucking on his finger, with a little shriek. "What was that for?"

"No one's allowed to taste test but me. Scram!"

I giggled as he ran out, yelling, "Mommy abuses me!"

Shaking my head, I looked at Kota, he was smiling softly. "What am i going to do with you group?"

He smiled, "Feed us, love us, and stay with us forever?"

My smile shrunk a little. I turned to the soup and started to dish it out. I wish I could love you...

After eating, with the guys joking around, and many questions as of how i was, we were seated in a circle around Nathan's living room. Owen, North, and Kota sat on the couch. They had moved the coffee table elsewhere. Luke and Gabe sat with their backs against the bottom of the couch, in front of Owen and Kota. Sean sat opposite of the couch on the ground. Victor sat in a bean bag chair that was brought over from Kota's to Sean's right.Silas and Nathan sat of to Sean's left.

I shifted on my feet, where to?

"Come here pookie, come sit on my lap."

I walked over, Sean grabbed my hips and directed me how he wanted.

"What do you want to do now Princess?"

"Truth or Dare?" i asked.

Gabe and Luke immediately had an evil glint on their faces.

"Ok, who do you want to go first?" Kota asked.

"How about, uh, Kota, you ask first."

He smiled and nodded. "Sang, truth or dare?"


Some of the guys groaned.

"Wait," Sean said. "Let's make this more exciting. How about, if someone doesn't do the dare or answer truthfully, they have to take off one article of clothing?"

Some of the guys perked up, and I blushed.

No one objected. "I'll take that as a yes." Sean said.

"Alright Sang, what is your worst fear?"

I had to stop and think about that one. "I honestly don't know, Kota."

"Then tell us some of your worst fears."

"I'd have to say the nightmares, and uh," my cheeks heated. Only Victor knew this one. I looked at him, and he seemed to understand. "Showers..." i mumbled out. I don't think anyone heard me. "Um, Silas truth or dare?"

"Truth." he said, smiling.

"What is your fondest memory growing up?"

"I'd have to say the ocean. Sang, truth or dare?"

I giggled. "Dare."

"I dare you to hug me."

I knee walked over to his hug. I was immediately reminded of our kiss. I wanted to kiss him again.

I crawled back to Sean. "Alright, Gabe, truth or dare?"


"Uh, act like..." I looked around to see some people mouthing something, and others giving me signals. "like Tarzan, for 2 minutes."

He stood up, making monkey noises and crawling around.

"Alright, Trouble, truth or dare?"

There was an almost evil glint in his eyes. I was partially scared, what did he have in mind?

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