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Luke rested his forehead on mine, and we were staring deeply into eachother's eyes. He started to lower his head again, but the door slammed open.

I jumped, gasping. Luke pulled his head back, a cocky smile on his lips.

"Peanut, I'm home!" Nathan shouted.

"We're in here." I called back, not as strongly as he had yelled.

He walked into the kitchen. I immediately took notice of how close Luke still was to me, and how my face was red, the heat creeping in from the tops of my shoulders.

"Hey, what's going on?"

Luke finally stepped back. "We were just making breakfast."

More like making out...

Nathan nodded. "I'll finish up in here, Mr. B. called you in."

"Alright, bye Sang."

"Bye ninja." I couldn't help the stare Nathan was giving me, and was blushing harder.

The door slammed behind Luke. Nathan and I were left, alone.

"Let's finish up those pancakes." he smiled at me.

I smirked, "Alright."

We were just finishing eating. Well, it was more me finishing eating, and Nathan watching my every move. I was almost positive that my face was going to be eternally red. He was so close at walking in on me and Luke kissing.

"Peanut," Nathan's voice rattled me. "Are you alright? You're spacing out."

I looked at him and smiled, "Yes, I'm fine. I was just thinking about the past few days."

His eyebrow rose questionly. "Did you do something fun?" he asked taking my plate.

Oh, I had some fun alright. I couldn't come out and tell him though. "Yeah, you know watching t.v. with Si and baking pancakes with Luke, not to mention Gabe's dance session."

He looked at me. "You got Gabe to dance?" I nodded. "Did you get it on tape?" I shook my head. "Too bad, that could have been useful." he smirked down at me and took my hand.

"What are we going to do today Honey?"

"What do you want to do Peanut?"

My eyes lit up. "Can we swim?"

He laughed at my eagerness, "Of course we can."

I changed into my bathing suit and met Nathan in his backyard. He was already in his swim trunks, waiting for me.

He smiled at me. I came up to him, a devious plan in mind.

I smiled sweetly, walking closer.

"Hey Nathan?"

"Yeah Peanut?"

I pushed at his chest as hard as I could. His eyes widened and he went to step backwards.

There wasn't solid ground behind him, and he went flying into the pool.

His head popped up. I was laughing at the perplexed look on his face.

He smiled, laughing along with me.

"What was that for?"

I put on an innocent look. "What was what for?"

His eyes narrowed playfully. "Get in here."

"Or what?"

"I'll come and throw your pretty little ass in."

I crossed my arms over my chest challenging him. "Come and get me."

I knew instantly that that was the wrong thing to say. A look covered Nathan's face, and he swam to the edge of the pool.

Squealing, I went running into the house. He looked like he was stalking prey.

I knew that Honey easily slid out from the pool.

Arms wrapped around my waist before I could even get the back door opened all the way.

I was giggling as he lifted me up and carried me to the pool's edge.

"No!" I gasped out. "Don't throw me in! North will have a hay day. Don't do it!"

"I warned you." He whispered into my ear.

"Don't!" A huge smile crossed my face.

"One," he swung me towards the pool, pulling me back. "Two," he did it again. "Three!" He used his momentum to throw me in. I grabbed onto his arms, flying through the sky.

His eyes widened, not expecting me to fight him. Nathan lost his balance, falling in after me.

I crashed into the water.

Swimming up, I broke through the surface. I couldn't hold in my delight. I was laughing, hard.

When Nathan came up, he took one look at me and followed my lead.

He swam closer to me. I stayed in place.

"That was awesome Peanut."

"I know." I answered him. He was so close his stomach was brushing against mine.

I had to admit, Nathan had some muscles. The water sliding down his frame only added to the effect. The air in my lungs evaporated.

He was smiling down at me. I could feel the pull of a blush breaking through.

I tried to swim back, away from him. Feelings were evolving.

My back hit the side of the pool.

Nathan followed me, closing in.

"Peanut," he whispered.

His arms wrapped around my waist, holding me close.

My hands held onto his chest. His muscles flexed under the tips of my fingers.

I'm pretty sure he groaned, but I wasn't positive. I couldn't hear over the pounding of my heart. What did his lips feel like, taste like?

"Honey," I whispered.

He was deadly close. I wanted to be closer.

I knew, that I wanted to kiss him. But should I?

Was it normal for a girl wanting to kiss not one, but four of her friends?

Of course not.

Was this being treacherous? Was I wrong for thinking these thoughts?

I couldn't just not kiss him. My heart was about to explode.

No, I didn't want to kiss him. I needed to kiss him.

My head was drawing closer to his. Nathan's head dropped inch by inch.

We were sharing each other's air now. 

His eyes pleaded. My mind pleaded.

Nathan was drawing back. "I... I'm so sorry Sang, I can't do it, shouldn't have. I'm sor..."

I cut him off, delicately placing my lips onto his.

His eyes were wide, then he pressed against my lips harder, braver. His hands floated to the pool edge behind me.

I wrapped my arms around his neck. What I'd give to stay like this.

Was this truly wrong? Enjoying kissing four different guys?

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