18: Papillon

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"Oh no," Azumi said softly. The milk spilled all over the table, and she simply stared with wide eyes.

"No worries," Mic said as he grabbed a few paper towels, "No use crying over spilled milk."

Carefully Azumi nodded and started helping to clean up.
The Aizawa house hold was as it always was. The cat had caught a bird outside, making Aizawa have to clean it up, Hitoshi was gone to school early to get some stuff done, and Mic hadn't had sleep yet because of his third job.

Azumi tried to make her breakfast once more, and Mic helped her not to spill anything.
"Shouldn't you go to bed?" Azumi asked once she had her breakfast in front of her.

Mic gave her a pat on the head, "Nah, I've got to go on patrol soon."

"Are you sure you don't need sleep?" Azumi asked as she stuffed her mouth full of food.

"He does," Aizawa said as he walked passed with some cleaning supplies.

"Dad says you do," Azumi nodded, "You need sleep, pap."

Mic sighed, though he smiled as he got up. "I'll just take a quick nap." Then he called, "Sho, you'll wake me up right?"

Aizawa walked into the kitchen and nodded. When Mic turned to leave to his bedroom, Aizawa turned to Azumi and mouthed 'I wont'. Azumi giggled and ate her breakfast, trying to be quiet about it. Mic was working too hard, everyone knew.

When Azumi sat in the car, she managed to click her seatbelt stuck all on her own (and in good time as well) and the car drove up to UA.
As soon as the car door opened, Azumi ran into the school.

"Hold on," Aizawa tried to call out after her, but it came out as a mumble, and he let her run.

"Nezu chan!" Azumi jumped onto the chair she always sat and eagerly leaned onto the desk, "What are we doing today?"

That's right, Azumi could hang out with Nezu a bit more. After Aizawa and Mic found Nezu behaving around Azumi a bit more, they thought it alright to leave her with him.

Nezu and Azumi were leaning over the computer when Aizawa came in and dropped off a Azumi's bag.
Almost they didn't notice, but Aizawa left again in silence.

Sadly Nezu had to leave for something urgent, which left Azumi to amuse herself.

At first she tried playing chess against herself, but that was boring (she could predict her own moves). She tried to find any other games, but Nezu's office wasn't much for a child.
She sighed and sat down, crossing her arms as she thought.

The door wasn't closed... Azumi ran outside and down the stairs. As she walked outside, Snipe found her. Outside they played tag and hide and seek, until Snipe as well, had to leave.

Alone once more, Azumi walked around.

A butterfly flew around.
Azumi made it a game to try and catch it. Immediately she got bored of it, and simply followed it around. She wanted to turn around again, but the butterfly was pretty. She stepped after it.

The wall of UA got closer, and closer, and Azumi found the gate. The butterfly was going to leave.
Suddenly Azumi stopped when she reached the gate. She wasn't allowed to leave the grounds. As she stood still, the butterfly fluttered on and on.

The butterfly flew down, onto the road where it stopped. Azumi looked at the butterfly landing on the ground neatly.

She looked around a bit. Nobody would see her leave for two seconds.
With a smile, Azumi hurried up to the butterfly. Her feet jumped off the sidewalk. A honk sounded and—

Two arms grabbed her waist from behind.

Azumi watched the car ride over the butterfly before it stopped. A yellow dust left the tire as Azumi stared.

"Don't just cross the road!" Someone yelled angrily. Azumi shook her head once she was out down.
"You've got to look left and right!"

The driver of the car stepped out to apologise, but Azumi was distracted.
She knew the butterfly hadn't been real.

"We aren't mad," Mic said tiredly, "We're just looking out for you."

"You're so grounded."

It was safe to say that Aizawa and Mic had gotten a bit worried when they heard Azumi had almost been hit by a car.

"Isn't that a bit much?" Mic furrowed his eyebrows at Aizawa.

"You're not allowed to leave the grounds!" Aizawa gave Azumi a sharp glare, "You know that very well, Azumi."

Azumi's eyes were on the kitchen table. The usual yellow light on the ceiling had her frown to keep in any tears.
"I'm sorry," Azumi muttered, scared her voice would waver, "I won't do it again."

"You won't," Aizawa said, "Becuase you'll be going to an actual school."

"Shota!" Mic got up with a glare, "That's not right!"

"You can't send her there," Shinso said as he sat down at the kitchen table.

"You keep out of it," Aizawa told Shinso.

Azumi licked her lips as she thought of the yellow butterfly.

"You know how horrible it is at every school for her," Shinso defended Azumi, "She's too smart, too nice for those brats there."

"Especially the teachers," Azumi muttered absent minded.

The yellow sparkles.
She frowned, remembering a certain moment in her life.


Aizawa leaned back. "Fine, not school, but clearly we can't leave you alone."

"It's not that," Azumi shook her head, "There's something more important, I don't care where you send me."

"Hm?" Mic looked at her. Shinso as well, was surprised. He knew how much she hated school.

"It's just... do you know of any quirk that can..." Azumi tried to find her words as she softly tapped her fingers on the table, "Like... almost hypnotise, but with an illusion...?"

"What?" Aizawa said with a new frown.

Mic sighed and sat down. "Azumi, what's this about?"

Shinso did the math and sat up, "You mean you got lured out of the grounds?"

"That's not what I'm saying!" Azumi shook her head, "It's just... a theory."

"Huh," Mic said slowly, "Explain exactly what happened."

Azumi sighed and started at the beginning.
When she finished the two pro heroes glanced at each other. Shinso sighed and leaned back, crossing his arms and looking a lot like his dad.

"She's not going to school," Mic decided as he sat down, "And I'll drop the radio show, someone needs to keep her safe."

"I'm not saying..." Azumi said, "I mean, we can't be sure someone really tried to..."

"Better be safe than sorry," Shinso sighed.

"No need to drop anything," Aizawa said.
"For now, I'll watch her."

"But Shota, the camp."

"I'll just take her with me." Aizawa decided.

Azumi tilted her head.

"What camp?"

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