3: A new place

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I sat in the car, my bag in the trunk and my nerves right there with me.
Aizawa had said, other people. I had no idea who. I didn't know where we were going, and I didn't know wether I was going to get my stuff back. I sat in the car, clenching my skirt nervously, wishing to not be in this situation and praying nothing bad would happen when I'd get out.
I focussed on the now.
I needed to meet these new people, however scary that was.

"Hi," I mumbled softly, unable to be much louder, "I'm Azumi."

The older kid next to me gave me a kind smile, "I'm Hitoshi, nice to meet you."
He was way older than me, bags under his eyes and purple hair.

"And I'm Mic!" He had blonde hair and was wearing black, but not black and boring like Aizawa.

"Don't be loud," Aizawa got into the car in front of Hitoshi and I felt more at ease immediately.

"So what do you like to do for fun?" Mic asked as Aizawa started driving.

I nervously fiddled with my skirt. I was allowed to talk.
"I like to walk."

"To walk? Isn't that boring?" Hitoshi asked only to get an annoyed sigh.
Getting more nervous, I looked at how Hitoshi frowned. I was rather confused, how could walking be boring?
"What? Walking is pretty boring."

"It's not boring, you're just... too used to it." Mic argued, sticking out his tongue to Hitoshi.
Surprised I frowned. Did a grown up just do that? Stick out his tongue?

"Well, what else do you like?" Hitoshi asked me.

I shrugged, "I think I like reading, but it's really hard."

"Yes, reading is hard," Mic agreed before he asked another question, "What do you think about school?"

I thought. The last few days I had gone to a school. It was boring, the kids were annoying, and the teachers treated me like a three year old. I'm not a three year old! I was a total of eight, or well, I would be apparently, in five weeks.
"It's fine," I lied, knowing I wouldn't have a choice but to go anyway. Apparently it was needed or something for kids to go there.

"We can home school you if you don't like it," Aizawa mumbled.

Hitoshi smiled, "I wish I could have been homeschooled."

"Where do you go to school?" I asked curiously, unable to stop myself.

"To UA," Hitoshi said proudly.

I blinked.

"Okay?" Hitoshi shook his head, "It's a great at least."

"She probably doesn't know what UA is of a school," Mic seemed to remind Hitoshi and he sighed.

"It's a hero school."

My eyes widened, "That's amazing!"

"That's more like it." Hitoshi seemed satisfied with my reaction.

The car stopped and some anxiety filled me. Where were we?

"Don't worry," Aizawa mumbled, "We're at your new home, you're safe here."

I nodded, but still I hesitated to pry the seat belt lose.
Hitoshi rolled his eyes and loosened it for me, but still I hesitated.

Aizawa opened the car door and sighed.
"Do you want me to hold your hand while we walk inside?"

I thought, "I like walking."

Aizawa nodded and helped me out of the car.
He held my hand as I stepped inside of the house. I was surprised to see how much it looked like the orphanage, though very different still.

Aizawa let me stand still and take it in.
Suddenly I hid behind his leg, "What's that?" I whispered.

Hitoshi walked passed me and picked up the black thing. It moved in his arms a little and Aizawa explained.
"It's a cat."

I stared at it, "I'm scared."

As Aizawa picked me up, I tried to hide in his shirt.
"There's no need to be afraid, nobody will hurt you here, not the cat either."

I nodded and to my surprise, Aizawa walked up some stairs.
My eyes scrolled trough the hallway we reached and then he opened a door.

"Wait!" I called out before he stepped in.
He put me down and I looked around first. Seeing it was alright I grabbed Aizawa's hand.
"We can walk inside now."

The room was pretty big. The walls were a light grey, and no lights were on the ceiling. As Aizawa told me that this would be my new room, I noticed now different it was from where I had been for the past few years. I liked how the walls weren't bare.
"I like it," I decided.

That afternoon, I got to see the rest of the house. Every time we opened a new door, Aizawa let me look before we entered. I was very grateful for him being so patient.

Finally Mic had made us all some dinner. While I struggled with my food, Hitoshi sighed.

"Hold it like this."

I mimicked how he ate and suddenly it worked. That was my quirk, though I hadn't used it like this for years.

"Whoa, fast learner!" Mic said in English.

"What's he say?" I whispered to Shinso who rolled his eyes.

"It's English."

"What's English?"

Mic smiled widely as Hitoshi mumbled about Mic being a teacher.
I was confused at first, but it made sense.

Hesitantly I asked it.
"Could you teach me some English?"

Mic suppressed his excitement, "Yes!!"
Getting a hit on his head from Aizawa, Mic talked softer.
I pulled my hands off my ears as Mic spoke again. "We'll make sure you can start school soon, if you choose for homeschooling Aizawa and me will help you out, how's that's sound?"

I smiled, "I would love that."

That evening I learned about something called a tv. It was strange how I kept learning, even if it had been more than a week since I had been rescued.
It was strange how time flew by now, it went slow, since so much happened, but then again it went fast for that same reason. I only hoped I wouldn't have to go back, time would be more boring than before.
Mic gave me a blanket and as we all sat on the couch, the cat walked towards us.

I crawled towards Aizawa.
"He doesn't like nice."

"It's a she."

"Well, she doesn't look nice, she looks like she will eat me with her sharp teeth."

Aizawa gave me a weird look.

Shinso in the meanwhile got up form besides me. He grabbed the cat and sat back down, pulling one of its paws towards me a little.
"It's got claws to."

I froze up.
"Hitoshi!" Mic scolded as he pouted, "Not nice!"

While I hid from the cat on the other side of Aizawa, Hitoshi laughed.
The cat walked from his lap and walked towards Aizawa who tried to watch the movie. My eyes widened, but Aizawa held me in place before I could get away.

"He won't hurt you."

How could I trust that? What if the cat ate me anyway?
It got closer before it's nose almost touched mine.
I looked at it as I sat frozen.
Then the cat pushed it's soft face against mine and my mouth turned into an oh. Carefully I reached out to the cat to feel it's soft fur on it's back as well. Aizawa smiled when the cat sat down close to me.

Mic looked away from the movie, "See? You'll be safe here."

I smiled and suddenly felt something rolling down my cheeks.
"Thank you." I whispered as I rubbed away the tears. Maybe it was all the anxiety that had made me cry, but I really was grateful.
For everything.

Ah! A child!! (Mhaxchild?) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant