9: Good night

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Shinso wasn't lazy, he just didn't bother to move Azumi to her room.
He made sure she was comfortable before passing out himself a few hours later.

The house was silent when Mic went to bed as well. It was never easy when Shota was in the hospital, but looking at the empty spot, it wasn't easy this time either.

The silence dragged on before Azumi found herself in a dream. Her mind dragged her off into a nightmare. Would Aizawa really be okay?


The room was quiet.

Her eyes scrolled the dark room. Her clothes felt... dirty. Rough. Unlike pyjamas as were they supposed to be when she woke up. She was awake, not in a dream.
Whimpering softly, Azumi tried to get the idea of the black dress from her head. She was with the Aizawa's now. She was wearing softer clothes now, even if it wasn't her pyjamas right now.

Still it was hard to get it out of her head. As she clenched her hair softly she felt tears flowing over her cheeks. She knew she was at the Aizawa's. At nights she often had to reassure herself, but the rough feeling of her clothes made it more real.
Was she really back?

"You okay?" A voice said softly before a light turned on.

Much to her horror, the light was on the ceiling.

She wasn't in her room. She wasn't at the Aizawa's.

She wasn't safe.

Shinso woke up to soft sobbing. Mood, but concerning.
He opened his eyes to find Azumi asleep on the bed a while off. He remembered her falling asleep, but he didn't remember her sobbing. Did she have a nightmare?

He asked wether she was okay, but when he didn't get a reply he sat up and turned on the lights. He used to hate the dark, maybe she did too?

When Azumi broke into worse sobs, Shinso frowned. It didn't help, the lights.
Reaching for her, Shinso paused when she started gasping for air and pulled her hair. He realised she wasn't okay at all and got up quickly. What could he do now? Go to dad?

Without knocking he got into his parents room.
"Dad—" oh right, the only person who's good at this shit is in the hospital.

Mic sat up groggily, but at Shinso's look he got up.
"What's wrong?"

"Azumi," Shinso took a steadying breath, "She's crying, I don't know how to calm her down."

Mic nodded, "It was probably just a nightmare, go prepare some hot chocolate, okay?"

As Mic hurried away, Shinso knew the chocolate milk would be more for Shinso to have to do something instead of Azumi having a drink.

Still, Shinso got to the kitchen and grabbed the hot chocolate from the fridge. He heard some muffled screams and Mic saying 'hey', but Shinso knew he couldn't go to his room right now, because he'd probably break down as well.
He just wanted his dad right now.

Near to tears, Shinso stirred the hot chocolate, staring in it as it heated up.

Finally the hot chocolate was done and Mic emerged form Shisno's room. Azumi wasn't with him as she ran to her own room.

Her door slammed loudly and Shinso stayed staring in concern.

Mic saw his eyes and put a comforting hand on his shoulder.
"Are you okay?" Mic asked first.

Shinso shook his head and Mic pulled the hot chocolate off the fire, turning off the stove before giving Shinso a hug.
"Azumi is okay," Mic said.

Shinso accepted the hug only gratefully before Azumi opened her door again.
Now in pyjamas, Azumi rubbed her eyes.

"I smell chocolate," she mumbled tiredly.

Shinso smiled and pulled away from Mic.

The three sat at the kitchen table and enjoyed the hot drink. Azumi's eyes occasionally turned sad before someone said something random to distract her. Conversation wasn't really in it, but it was enough to keep her silence comfortable.

Finally Azumi helped cleaning the mugs and Mic send the two to Mic and Aizawa's bed. As Mic send Kayama a message, he sighed.

Fortunately the kids were alright, but after this, Mic sure wasn't, cause shit, how did Aizawa do this and survive— being parent is way to hard— what just happened even?

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