6: The Definition of a Stranger

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When me and Aizawa came home with Hitoshi, I had fallen asleep in the back of the car.
Of course when I woke up, it was already time for dinner.
As Mic told me to sit and eat, I did so hesitantly.
"Why do people eat so much?"

"Huh?" Hitoshi paused his eating.

"Three meals a day," I said, "And snacks. That's a lot."

Mic gave me a patient smile, "It's healthy to have three meals a day, you'll get used to it."

Aizawa sighed, "Did someone give you anything at school?"

I nodded, "I had a cookie, it tasted really nice. Have you had a cookie before? It's amazing."

Somehow Mic was the only one who smiled at me.

"Don't take food from strangers unless we know, okay?" Aizawa sighed.

"But..." I frowned, "Midoryia told me his name."

"That doesn't mean he's not a stranger anymore."

"But the definition of a stranger..." I trailed off and played around with my food. I knew what they meant, but the definition didn't add up. For some reason it agitated me a lot.
"My clothes are getting dirty, how do I clean them?" I changed the subject.

Mic realised, "I'll help with that after dinner."

I nodded, ignoring that I was supposed to get my chocolate milk after dinner. I knew it was important to others that you looked healthy, otherwise they would worry.

When Mic did help me, he looked at all of my clothes.

"We need to go shopping."

I ignored Mic as I thought about what was on my mind. "Why is people plural if it doesn't have an s?"

"Oh, you're learning English?" Mic went to explain. Once he was done and my clothes were in this weird machine which turned them around and made them wet and soapy, he walked to the kitchen with me holding his hand.

"You want some chocolate milk now?"

I nodded excitedly.

"Warm or cold?"

"Cold! I like cold things."

"Alright then," Mic went to prepare it, and I waited patiently until I got a glass with chocolate milk.

I took a sip.


"What, you don't like it?"

I shook my head, "It tastes weird."

"Weird how?"

"Like... bitter? But sweet? But... I think I like it..."
I was conflicted, because I didn't know the taste. Though, it vaguely reminded me off the cookie I had had.

"Maybe you taste chocolate?" Mic guessed, "Have you ever had chocolate?"

I shook my head, "What's it taste like?"

"Like that," Mic pointed at the drink, "But different."

My eyes were wide in amazement as I looked at the drink, "Chocolate milk... milk and chocolate..."

"Yes, you got that right," Mic smiled.

It wasn't until the next morning that I got very confused once more.
"They are dry," I said, "But yesterday my clothes were wet, they can't dry so fast!"

Hitoshi sighed, "A machine can dry them for you."

With amazed eyes I realised I should thank all these machines for giving me clean clothes. I had already thanked Mic for folding them with me and putting them away, so that was only one more thank you on the list.

Ah! A child!! (Mhaxchild?) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ