16: It Was Not Hound Dogs Fault Either!

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"Wake up," I got a tap on my head. My eyes fluttered open, only to fall closed again. Everything felt heavy and I just wanted sleep.


There was a small silence before I got picked up. Tiredly I tried to struggle, but I recognised the coffee smell and relaxed again. "Pap?" I muttered as the heavy feeling slowly turned into a soft headache.

"It's me, we're just going home," I heard pap say as he adjusted how he held me.

"But you're not allowed to carry me..." I tried to open my eyes again only for my eyes to stay closed. My head felt heavy when I tried to lift it, and... why was it so hot? Aizawa carried me through a hallway and I hoped we were nearing the car soon.

"Well, either way we need you to get home." Aizawa continued to carry me as I tried to wake up. The problem was of course that I couldn't. Then suddenly I sneezed.

"Oh my god..." someone gasped, "That was adorable!"

"Not now midnight," Aizawa grumbled.

"Oh, is she sick?" Kayama hurried up to us and I felt a cold head against my forehead. It soothed the soft pounding so I didn't swat it away. "She's burning up! What has she been doing all day?"

"I dunno," Aizawa grumbled, "I think she was with..."


Aizawa stayed quiet, I don't think he knew.

"I was playing outside," I muttered, "With Hound dog."

"Oh," Midnight said, "Did you wear your coat?"

"Was I supposed to?" I wondered softly before I decided that I didn't care enough and snuggled into Aizawa's hug.

"I'm going to ki—"

"Not now, Kayama!" Aizawa hissed suddenly.

Kayama flinched at it.
"Well, she needs to see Chiyo at the very least!"

With a sigh Aizawa decided that Kayama was right. I sighed when he did, realising we weren't going home just yet.
I complained that I wanted to sleep, and Aizawa sighed saying, "Me as well, kid." How rude.

Chiyo was someone I knew as kind.
She always gave me sweets, though Aizawa complained they weren't healthy for me.
When Chiyo put a hand to my head, she sighed.

"Aizawa," Chiyo said as she turned her chair around a quarter to see him better, "She will need to rest up. I suggest taking her home."

With a nod, Aizawa went to pick me up again. I just put my head in the pillow behind me tiredly.

"Aizawa," Chiyo stopped him from picking me up yet, "She will need multiple days to rest."

I knew what that meant. Curiolj I looked up at Aizawa, my vision spinning a bit at the pounding of my head.
Aizawa gave a troubled sigh before he picked me up.
"She'll be able to stay here tomorrow, I'll drop her off as usual."

"It's too noisy here," Chiyo complained, "And she needs to be watched over."

I knew that Mic had to be a hero, and Aizawa had to teach his class all day tomorrow.
Curling up towards Aizawa's shirt I wished for the spinning to stop first. Then I'd think about a solution.

"Nezu will help," Chiyo said, knowing Aizawa didn't like those words.

J gave no reaction and Aizawa sighed, knowing I'd usually perk up in excitement.
"Fine," Aizawa said, "One day then. For one day I'll leave her with Nezu."

A small smile entered my face. It should prove to be fun...

"Ow," I said dumbly when Shinso tried to put my hair in a ponytail. My head hurt, my vision blurred and everything felt heavy. I knew I was just sick, and that nothing could have prevented it, but still I felt a bit betrayed.
It was like the safety had been broken by something small.

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