7: USJ?

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The mouse glanced at me from across the room.
Today I had to stay in the teachers lounge. Aizawa told me it was better. That today I couldn't go with the class because they would do something special away from school.
Glancing back from behind Kayama, I almost didn't dare to look away. There was something about this person of a rat-mouse-bear... chimera. It was the look in his eyes that had me so curious, why was he looking at me though?

I looked up at Kayama when she said something and then the chimera was gone. Aizawa and Mic had told me the chimera would be dangerous. Was he dangerous though? He looked odd but did that mean he was dangerous?

"When will Aizawa be back?" I asked when I couldn't find the chimera anywhere near.
I didn't like that he was gone so soon.

"Soon," Kayama said before giving me her phone with a game on it. I looked at it curiously, wondering how the game even worked. I was supposed to be working on schoolwork but...It still amazed me, phones did. Though I remember some doctors using them in the past.

I looked up from the phone and looked around.
Maybe I should go and find something better to do. If doctors had a phone, then I didn't like this phone either.

When Kayama looked away to argue with some teacher called Power Loader, I jumped off the couch, leaving the phone right next to Kayama.

Walking through the hallway, I almost couldn't believe how I was going against Aizawa's orders not to leave the room while he was gone. Of course he said he wouldn't be too mad, but still, he might start hurting me at last.

Walking on, I found a door saying 1A and I realised I had walked the one way I knew to go. I sighed and looked around. If you were a chimera, where would you go?

Chimera-san was a pricipal, right? Teachers had a lounge, students a classroom. Maybe a principal had a room as well?
I looked around and found a small map. It mostly pictured safety things. I read it carefully, finding that it was only off this floor. I sighed and moved onto the next floor, hoping to find a clue on that map, before I moved onto the next floor and then the next.

Finally I found it.
"Principal's office." I smiled and started running, my hunt hopefully coming to an end when I'd have found the office.

When I peaked through the open door, I found no chimera-san, sadly. I huffed and crossed my arms.
"Where are you?"
I looked around and then found an empty cup of something on his desk. I walked towards it and wondered... maybe he was getting a new cup of it?
Of what though? To get a better clue of where to go I wanted to know.

Climbing on the chair behind the desk, I found I could reach the cup and looked at it. It definitely didn't smell like Aizawa, so it wasn't coffee. It was tea, I decided, looking at how there was a ring of sorts on the inside of the cup.
I smiled and jumped off the desk.
Chimera-san must be somewhere near a tea room. Maybe he was back in the teachers lounge? Though that would be a further walk.

The nearest tea room, I read on the map on that floor, was all the way down the hall. I sighed and started walking. Even though I liked walking still, I found it quite tiring after so many stairs.

Finally I opened the door to the tea room and my lips betrayed my joy. Chimera-san was sitting on one of the couches, drinking something from a white cup.

"Hello," I said when the chimera looked up from his tea to find me at the door.

"Hello," the chimera said in slight surprise, "What are you doing here?"

I knew that I was supposed to be somewhere else, but I was sure that being here couldn't hurt more than a bit.
"I was playing a game."

"A game?" The chimera smiled, "How curious, what game were you playing?"

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