Naomi nodded softly, "it's okay, I know you're not mad at me. I just wish I could have helped more" she signed.

Another knock came to the door before Clarisse stuck her head into the bathroom, "the dinner horns about to blow" she muttered softly. The two other girls nodded and followed Clarisse out of the bathroom, Pandora kept her head down as she walked towards her chest and threw it open and pulled out a teal hoodie that was two sizes too big for her. She pulled it over her head and pulled the hood up as soon as she had the cuffs of the sleeves balled up in her fists, Pandora barely looked around to know everyone was watching her.

Most looked on to her with pity and most looked defeated but had an underlying gaze of anger, "c'mon we don't wanna be late" Pandora muttered as the horn sounded.

Everyone was hesitant but nodded silently and followed the girl out of the cabin, they walked silently down the path towards the dining pavilion, as they walked they slowly moved themselves to surround the girl. Pandora smiled softly at the action when she felt Luke's hand lightly brush against her sleeve covered fist, Naomi tried to smile but it fell before she could even look away from the two. Chiron approached the group quickly with Lorenzo following quickly behind him, "I need Luke and Pandora to come with me!" Chiron exclaimed as he came to a sudden halt making Lorenzo almost crash into him.

"What's going on?" Lee asked as he stepped protectively in front of the two.

"The gods have issued a quest for young Luke and I need to speak to Pandora" Chiron yelled making everyone jump in surprise. They knew this was serious as Chiron had never yelled in front of Clarisse, Luke and Annabeth before, "let's go now!" Chiron demanded. Pandora nodded as she kept her head low and walked quickly towards the centaur, Luke nodded slowly and followed closely after the girl. Luke looked back towards everyone and tried to give a reassuring smile but as soon as he turned around he seemed almost nervous as he gently snaked his hand around Pandora's balled up fist, she looked back up at him and nodded in appreciation as a ghost of a smile graced her lips for a brief moment before her face fell.

────── ∘◦ ⛤☽⛤ ◦∘ ──────

Chiron stood before Pandora looking more furious than he had in years, "tell me again" he demanded lowly.

Pandora took a deep breath as she tried to blink away tears, "I was doing some research at home when my little sister said something that I wrote down" she explained hoarsely.

"And? What did she say?" He demanded again.

"A girl cursed to love the enemy, a wager between two gods will see the light of day and destroys anyone who dares to try and tare them apart. When a new power is obtained it will even the tides and level the bored, when the first blood falls of two friends at the other's hand only then will the true war begin. The gods have spoken and she will be one of many to save or destroy Olympus but only after the war of the old and the new but she will need the help of her friends and lover in order to restore balance" Pandora said softly.

Chiron slammed his fist onto his desk but Pandora tried not to flinch, "WHY IS IT I DONT BELIEVE YOU?!" Pandora's nose scrunched up as he yelled at her. "WE'RE ON THE SAME TEAM! YOU TELL ME EVERYTHING SO I CAN KEEP YOU SAFE! YOUR MY FAMILY! MY BLOOD!" He yelled before calming himself down, "it has been 50 years since a kid of Poseidon has been at this camp, the last camper was a girl named Hyria Patterson and she was killed before her 16th birthday so the big 3 gods had no more children- I had to watch as Zeus killed her for no reason other then he felt threatened by a child" Chiron explained softly as he held his head in his hands.

A Storms Match         | Luke CastellanDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora