Chapter two

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I just wrote merely 300 words and I was so tired
But eva wanna come with long chapters btw let's start..


"Sorrys does not work on me. do you think I will let you go this easily after bumping into me? Hmm" jimin replied,

And in a second, Jimin held her hand and pinned her to the wall making her gasped at sudden action.
Haram for a second was frozen processing what just happened.

Jimin pov,

I asked her while tightening my grip around her wrist, "who do you think you bumped just now?"
And look down into her light brown orbs while my heart suddenly started to thump at an unknown rate. The fact, that I could only see her eyes which were enough to make me feel so weak that she freed herself from my grip easily.

Author pov,

She freed herself and kicked him making him lose his balance and replied "looks like a human. Correct me if I am wrong"...jimin sensed whispers and silent laughter from surrounding making his blood boil while she continued, "Dare to touch me again and I will break every bone of your body" with that she left.

He looked at her back figure leaving and thought to himself "what the hell?! Is she ninja somehow"
And move his gaze towards taehyung who was trying his best not to laugh. his tense and anger filled gaze made tae forgot What laugh is "yaa you wanna die" jimin said, after a while, they both finally left to their respective classes.


Haram pov,

I couldn't believe what that weird man just did "how can he" I thought to myself and left for my class as i was already late.
I entered my class finally, there I was met with questionable stares, the professor moved his gaze towards me and I mumered a small 'sorry' and he let me in.
He was kind tho. I walked further to sit somwhere but noticed tge girls didn't wants me to sit with them as they were sliding to my side
But, A girl slide to the opposite site of the seat, letting me sit with her.
She looked all over me and asked "what is your name and why...why you covering yourself?"
"My name is haram I am a Muslim that's why" I replied,
She whispered a small 'ok' and said "yaa such a nice name and I am jiyoon class president" I smiled at her and started focussing on the lecture and so she did.
After the classes, at the break she took me to the every corner of the university.
The day went all nice hanging out with her, receiving stares from people.

But, I noticed maybe she was popular because there were girl hanging around her while she wasn't giving any attention to them.


Jimin pov,

After the classes I walked towards the parking area inside the university. "What a frustrating day it was yaa who was that 'little ninja'? How dare she?" I heard ji yoon's voice "heyy miniee let's go" she said joyfully,
"don't call me that yoon and why so happy today" I replied, "I met the nicest girl todayy she is soo good and she is my friend" she said being all excited "and I met a little ninja pathetic!!" I murmured Under my breath.
While she just continued to praise her new friend.


Author pov,

Haram standing at the gate of university when her brother came finally to take her home after waiting for 10 min
"Salam!! How was my sista's day" he said, "w.assalam why so late zayn han" she replied, he chuckled a little.
"Okay okay sorry forgive your innocent brother and tell me how was your day"
" i wanna go home and sleep" she said wiggling all childish with her brother

{Zayn- 24 year old, engaged, haram's older brother}


jimin kicked the girl out of the university who complained about his bullying to the principal. After two days,
In the evening {Asr} Jimin walking through the corridor with taehyung "I wonder why you couldn't still find her" he said,
"Ya Jimin there are alot of batches you know right I don't know in which she is" Tae replied, " huh!! Nevermind I will my...." he looked at her going upstairs."so there you are,muffin" jimin thought to himself and followed her from a distance.

Haram walked towards the empty floor and lay her prayer mat on the floor and started her Salah while Jimin entered "missed me!! Well well what is this little ninja doing in here all alone" he said but got only silence. "Are you scared!! don't be, muffin" still silence. He step closer only to notice that sge is lip syncing something. He dragged a chair and sat on it and looked at her who bend down at perfect 90° which made him more and more confused than she stand strainght again and went to sajdah "huh!! What are you doing y...youh?" She repeated it ans finished her salah while he was staring at her sitting front beside of the prayer mat.
"You?" She stood up and folded and picked her paryer mat. And move her gaze towards him but lowered it.
She step further towards the door while he said "Hey what happened now huh!! Scared I see" she looked back at him and replied "What??Me??" "Yea, what were you doing here little muffin" Jimin asked with curiosity, "I was offering my salah and stop calling me with that filthy name" she replied irritatingly, and turn around stepping forward to go out while he was about to held her wrist again but two days ago scene clicked in his mind so he just held edge of her sleeve "I see You didn't forget" she said more like teasing,
"Don't take me easy ninjaa!!I can destroy your whole life" Jimin stated staring at her while she turned her body towards him and stood straight infront of him "see! Just Don...Don't mess with me or I will not hesitate to break those front teeths of yours and trust me You won't look good without them" with that she left.

He thought to himself
"She is hard and I am liking itt"


That's all,
Hope you will like itt
{1k words}
[Eva's exams are near;(]
Next update after 22 may
Take care!!
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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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