Chapter 19

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Only when they were cuddled up to each other in bed Chan continued talking.

"Yes, I am.. I'm usually the top. What now sounds like I have an insane amount of experience, which is definitely not the case. As a trainee, you are usually too busy to explore your sexuality," Chan said and had to laugh.

Jisung thought he heard some bitterness in the words, but wasn't quite sure.

"So we can... can we find out together what we like...?" Jisung asked quietly, pressing his face against Chan's chest.

"Mhm, we can!" Chan said, smiling affectionately. He still had the feeling that it wasn't the right time for it right now, but he was very happy that Jisung trusted him enough to talk to him openly.

Which reminded him that he had something he really wanted to discuss with the younger.

He gently stroked Jisung's back and suppressed a sigh, because he knew that the subject would break the moment between them. But Jisung had to go to work soon and there wasn't much time left to talk about it.

"Baby... that's a completely different topic now, but I wanted to talk to you about it before you go to work..." he said quietly, which led to Jisung moving a bit away from him and looking at him confused.

"I... I'll go to visit Changbin later.. we have to work together again tomorrow and I don't think that's possible if we're mad at each other and don't talk to each other..." he said quietly and grabbed Jisung's hand.

For a moment, there was absolute silence between them.

Jisung took a deep breath and snuggled up to Chan again, which led Chan let out his breath and only now realized that he had been holding it.

"Thank you for telling me... I... I had actually thought that Binnie and I were friends..." Jisung whispered and sounded so sad that Chan quickly wrapped his arms around him and pressed him firmly against him.

"I'll try to find out why he reacted like that.. I have a theory, but I'm not sure.." Chan said thoughtfully and pressed a gentle kiss on Jisung's forehead.

"I don't want to stand between you..." Jisung murmured and desperately tried to hold back his tears

"You don't, baby! I'm pretty sure this has absolutely nothing to do with you!" said Chan and gently caressed Jisung's cheeks.

The younger nodded and closed his eyes. Actually, he would've liked to do something else with Chan, but he suddenly felt incredibly tired and kind of sad.

"Sleep a little if you want. I'll wake you up in time before you have to leave," Chan muttered and pressed another kiss on Jisung's temple.

A short time later, Jisung had actually fallen asleep and although Chan would've liked to stay and cuddle with him, he had to get up.

His father had sent him some emails the night before that he urgently needed to read and answer and he really wanted to cook something for Jisung so that the younger would eat some proper meal before he had to go to work.

Sighing, he pressed a kiss on Jisung's forehead and left the bed.


After sitting at the desk and working for quite a while, his alarm clock finally rang, reminding him that he still wanted to cook.

He stood up sighing.

It wasn't easy being the son of a successful entrepreneur and trying to pursue your own dreams at the same time.

His father would have preferred it if he had joined his company, but had finally accepted, gnashing his teeth, that his son would try to become an idol.

After the rain  |  ChanSungजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें