Chapter 22

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Yawning, Jisung leaned against Hyunjin, who was cleaning the bar.

"Jinnie, what do you think if I would just sleep at yours?" he asked whining and wrapped his arms around the older one.

Tiredly smiling, he turned around and wrapped his arms around Jisung. "Babe, what sense does that make? Chan is there and he will hardly allow Bin to be mean to you. Apart from that, you are always welcome to sleep at ours."

Sighing, Jisung leaned against him, but then he saw Minho approaching them and making hectic movements, he immediately detach from the older.

A few moments later, their boss came around the corner, but since Hyunjin and Jisung were busy cleaning the bar, he just nodded at them and disappeared in his office.

"Thank God..." Jisung murmured and leaned against the bar.

"Good that it's the end of the shift. I really don't wanna be here anymore..," Hyunjin said quietly.

"Maybe you should try to become a photographer. I think it would suit you better," Jisung said with a smile.

Brooding, Hyunjin pulled the younger into his arms and snuggled up to him.

Shortly afterwards, the lights in the club went on and the guests were asked to leave by the security. What for Hyunjin, Jisung and Minho was the sign that they could change and go home.

"Should I drive you home, Jinnie? Or will Felix pick you up?" Minho asked the younger one while he took off his apron and threw it into the laundry bag.

"Hmm, he actually wanted to pick me up. But usually he texts when he is on his way," Hyunjin murmured thoughtfully. Yawning, he pulled his phone out of his pocket to call Felix.

Jisung just sat there and watched them. He still wasn't convinced that he wanted to talk to Changbin right now. He was incredibly tired and actually just wanted to sleep.

"Lix doesn't answer the phone.. he's probably already asleep. Would be nice if you could take me with you, Min," Hyunjin said and looked kind of worried.

"Okay, I'm ready. Let's go," the oldest said, who had just put on his jacket and looked at them waiting.

With a queasy feeling, the two younger followed him to the exit that led to the employee parking lot.

Chan and Changbin sat in Chan's car and got out as soon as they saw them.

But instead of waiting for the two to come to them, Hyunjin pulled Jisung into his arm and pecked his lips before he pulled Minho with him to his car.

"See you later," they shouted and sat in the car shortly afterwards.

Smiling, Jisung waved to them and then slowly went towards Chan and Changbin. Chan looked a little grumpy, while Changbin stared at the younger one in disbelief.

"Hey Baby," Chan said as they stopped in front of each other, pulled Jisung to himself and kissed him before he gently pushed him away and grumbled at him. "Does he have to kiss you all the time?!"

Grinning, Jisung kissed Chan again before taking a deep breath and looking at Changbin. "Hey..." he murmured quietly.


Uncertain, the two looked at each other.

Sighing, Chan turned around and went back to his car, while Jisung and Changbin were still staring at each other.

"I'm sorry..." Changbin finally said quietly and his voice sounded incredibly insecure. Hesitantly he stretched out his arms to Jisung.

Who hesitated for seconds, but then went to the older and let himself be pulled into his arm.

"I'm so sorry!" Changbin whispered and stroked Jisung's back. He took a deep breath and finally leaned against the older one.

"Do you explain to me why you reacted like that...?" Jisung asked quietly.

Changbin hesitated. He couldn't tell the whole truth. How should he explain that he had feelings for him and Chan. Which he couldn't even really explain himself. That he was jealous of both of them.

Sighing, he closed his eyes for a moment before he finally answered.

"I.. I was jealous... and had the feeling that Chan only had eyes for you. There was almost only him and me for five years...," Changbin murmured and felt terrible. On the one hand, because it had actually been as he had said. On the other hand, because that was only the tip of the iceberg and there was so much more behind it.

He took a deep breath and continued talking. "I let out my frustration and jealousy on you... I'm really sorry, little one! You were so kind to me and I was an absolute idiot."

"I didn't want to take him away from you..." Jisung whispered and he felt tears gather in his eyes again. He wanted to break away from Changbin, but he held him tight.

"Little one, Channie has the right to a life of his own... and to be happy... It only took me a little bit to understand that..., said the older quietly, hoping that Jisung couldn't hear the pain in his voice.

"Do you want to come along and maybe spend some time with us - uhm Chan...?"

That made Changbin smile. Jisung was the dearest person in the world and he didn't deserve at all that he was so kind to him. "I would like to spend time with both of you..." he said quietly anyway.

"Okay... then let's go home. I'm tired and hungry," said Jisung, yawning and detached himself from the older.

Changbin quickly reached for the younger's hand before he was too far away from him. Jisung looked down at their hands and a soft smile appeared on his face.

Hand in hand they went to Chan's car, who grinned like a child at Christmas. He was incredibly happy that his two favorite people seemed to finally get along.


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