Chapter 28

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"Is everything really okay between with you and Chan?" Hyunjin asked after they sat down on the balcony.

Jisung nodded and carefully drank a small sip of his coffee. "I should probably get into the habit of addressing things and not just running away... But Haku always turned things in such a way that it was always my fault, even if I wasn't aware of it at the time... apparently that made me flee rather than face conflicts," he murmured sadly.

Hyunjin looked at him thoughtfully and then grabbed his hand.

"I'm glad you're away from him..." Hyunjin said quietly and stroked the back of Jisung's hand.

For a while they sat silently next to each other and drank their coffee.

Hyunjin was actually incredibly curious about what had happened and why Jisung had been so dissolved after he went to Chan's studio, but also didn't dare to ask.

After they had finally brought their empty cups back to the kitchen, they returned to the bedroom and snuggled back into bed.

But somehow they found it difficult to fall asleep again. They didn't know whether it was due to the coffee, or the fact that the morning had somehow been quite grueling.

With a disgruntled sigh, Hyunjin finally sat up again and pushed the duvet aside. "What do you think about going to the mall? We could drink Boba and buy you new clothes," he asked hopefully.

Grinning, Jisung boxed against his shoulder. "Mhm yeah sure. Your two favorite activities combined with each other."

Hyunjin nodded smiling and Jisung couldn't help but find him absolutely adorable. He just couldn't resist him.

"All right, let's go," he said with a smile and was surprised that Hyunjin pressed a kiss on his lips.

"I love you babe!" shouted Hyunjin, jumped up and began to rummage in his wardrobe.

"I love you too, Jinnie," Jisung giggled.

And both meant exactly the same. They loved each other and had grown closer together in recent weeks and trusted each other almost unconditionally.

But apart from that and the fact that they liked to cuddle with each other, they had no romantic feelings for each other.

It was more of a deep connection and they were both glad that they could hold on to each other.

Shortly afterwards, they sat together in the car and Hyunjin drove them to the mall.

Normally, the older one rarely drove himself, usually Felix drove when they were going somewhere together. And yet Jisung felt comfortable with him as a driver.

They talked a bit while driving there and suddenly Hyunjin remembered something.

"Did I tell you that my grandma is incredibly happy that I want to study? She even said that she is going to buy a camera for me."

"Jinnie that's amazing. She's such a sweet person and always tries to take care of you", Jisung said smiling.

After that, Hyunjin became silent for a moment and looked over to Jisung from time to time.

"What? You know that you can talk to me about everything," Jisung said giggling and grabbed the older's hand.

"Would you... would you perhaps be my model?" Hyunjin finally asked hesitantly.

Surprised, Jisung looked at him. "Why don't you ask Lix?"

Hyunjin snorted and shook his head. "I asked him, but he doesn't want to. He thinks as a teacher it is not necessarily beneficial if his students might get to see the pictures."

That made Jisung grin. "Yeah, well, he's somehow right. And of course, if that helps, I'll be happy to be your model. But only when... well... you know," he turned bright red and didn't know how to finish the sentence.

"Yes babe, of course. These won't be erotic pictures," Hyunjin said with a grin and drove into the parking garage of the mall.

It had been ages since they had spent time with each other outside of work, apart from the fact that they had slept cuddled together incredibly often in a bed, and they were both very happy to have the opportunity to do so now.

As soon as he had parked, Hyunjin dragged the younger one to the boba shop and forced him to buy one as well.

"You are lucky that they also have coffee varieties," Jisung said grinning somewhat satisfied and drank a sip of his dalgona iced coffee while Hyunjin drank his yogurt strawberry boba.

"Apart from that, I could persuade you to do anything anyway, babe," Hyunjin said also grinning, grabbed Jisung's hand and pulled him with him.

They spent quite a while in the mall and Hyunjin forced Jisung to buy some new clothes. And when Jisung was busy with something else, he bought cute friendship bracelets for them.

He was so glad that Jisung stayed with him and slept cuddling with him whenever he needed it. That he without ever asking him why, simply accepted the fact that he couldn't sleep well alone very well and just stayed with him.

When Jisung finally yawned almost every five minutes, Hyunjin decided that it was time to go back home and sleep for a bit before they had to work.

When they were back in the car, Hyunjin pondered almost all the way back to the apartment about something he had said. And also about something Jisung had said.

"Babe, you know that I would never really force you to do anything, do you?" he asked after they got off and stood in the elevator.

Jisung had leaned against him because he was about to fall asleep while standing.

Yawning, he broke away from him and looked at him. "Yes, baby, I know," he said and had to smile. "And I also have no problem with your cute, intrusive nature. I like to go out with you."

Hyunjin exhaled with relief. "Felix is right. If someone would see us, they would think that we were together," he said smiling, reached for the younger's hand and pulled him into the apartment with him.

"And we also sleep cuddled together," Jisung giggled.

"And we also kiss," Hyunjin murmured and pressed his lips on those of the younger one.

"Maybe we should sleep a little," Jisung murmured after they had separated from each other and leaned against the elder.

"All right, then come."

They snuggled up in bed again and shortly afterwards they fell asleep.


After the rain  |  ChanSungOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz