Chapter 15

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When they had arrived in the parking garage and Jisung was glad that they got into the apartment without being seen.

"Are you hungry?" Chan asked him and pulled him into his arms.

"I don't know..." Jisung murmured and leaned against Chan. The older smelled insanely good, even if his clothes were still wet. "Maybe you should put dry clothes on... not that you get sick."

Chan nodded without a word and pulled Jisung with him into the bedroom.

He rummaged briefly in his closet and finally found clothes he wanted to put on.

"I'll be right back," he said quietly and after Jisung nodded, he disappeared into the bathroom.

Undecided, Jisung stood in the room for a moment and didn't know exactly what to do.

He felt empty and lonely and somehow he was cold. So he finally took off Hyunjin's sweater and hid into bed.

He would have liked to have pressed his plush bunny firmly to himself, but he was lying in his bed, in Changbin's apartment. And for nothing in the world he wanted to go there again.

He tried to put the gloomy thoughts aside, but he didn't really succeed.

And that's how Chan found him. Almost completely hidden in the blanket, brooding and with tears in his eyes.

This time he didn't even ask. He couldn't help but lay next to Jisung and pull the younger tightly to him.

Which led to the tears running over Jisung's cheeks again. Which somehow annoyed him and at the same time made him even sadder.

He was in Chan's arms and he didn't want to cry anymore. Didn't want to feel so miserable. He wanted to enjoy the moment, but felt the complete opposite.

Chan felt very closely how tense Jisung was. Felt how the tears of the younger one soaked his shirt and felt incredibly helpless.

He began to gently caress Jisung's back, which at least caused him to slowly calm down again.

When Jisung finally raised his head at some point, Chan kissed him softly and carefully wiped the tears from his cheeks.

"I'm so sorry..." Chan murmured.

Helplessly, Jisung shrugged his shoulders. "None of this is your fault... it's up to me. I always destroy everything," his voice was just a whisper in the end, but Chan had understood him very well.

"You didn't destroy anything and it's not your fault either! I don't know what problems Changbin has, but it's certainly not your fault!"

Chan's eyes sparkled gloomy and he looked like he would have liked to punch Changbin.

Jisung slowly shook his head. Chan's words didn't even really get through to him and actually he just wanted to feel better than he was doing right now.

Without really thinking about what he was doing, he bent over and kissed Chan. With a desire and almost rough, which Chan had definitely not expected.

He had reflexively closed his eyes and it took a moment until he finally pushed Jisung away from himself.

Which led to him being pushed into bed by the younger the next moment and he kissed him again. Grinding against him, hoping to turn him on.

Chan moaned, but finally shook his head decisively and certainly pushed Jisung down from himself.

"Why...?" Jisung asked quietly and Chan could hear from his voice that he was about to burst into tears again.

Sighing, he sat up and pulled the younger one on his lap. "Babe, I want you so much. And you're incredibly hot, but this is not the right time. You are very vulnerable and sad right now and I won't take advantage of that by taking what I would like..."

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