P8: Finle Battle

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watched has Kai and Zane knocked the guards down we leaped down and sneaked in the building

Taking each guard down until we made it to the main room where I saw him

"I see you ninja are here to defeat me? Oh you even brought me back my prisoner how nice of you!" General Ren said with a smirk

"We aren't giving her to you were here to take you down!" Cole yelled with slightly angry tone in his voice and everyone nodded I smiled at Cole wich he returned to me

Kai leaped at General Ren and fight broke out I tried landing a punch at his face wich he blocked with his hand

He punched me in the jaw making me stumble back I looked back and saw Jay getting thrown at a wall my eyes widen has Nya did the same only to be thrown on the floor soon enough everyone but Me was down

I took a step back a bit scared

"Do you blame yourself?"


"What quite common in this situation is for a patient to feel a kind of... guilt?"

"What situation?"

"The incident.."

My blood ran cold has he said that all I could see was red and all I could feel was rage...

"V-violet what the heck is he talking about?!" Kai yelled has he stumbled back up

I didn't answer has I slowly walked to Ren my fist clenched

Hd smirked has he raised his staff sending a energy ball the next thing you know I was gone?

"Where the he'll did you go you brat!" He yelled angrily

"Here~" I teased has I appeared behind him my eyes filled with anger has u kicked him in the stomach wich made him stumble back

"I remember it all..." I spat has I looked down at the shock General who looked up slightly scared

I kicked him in the jaw with a powerful kick angrily rage in my eyes has I watch him cough and placed his hand on his Jaw

I lifted my hand summoning purple flame my eyes glowed white has I threw the flame at his face he screamed

I smiled deviously has I heard him scream I watched has he clenched his injured arm

"You wil pay for what you did Ren!" I screamed angrily my eyes filled eith hatred has I picked him up by the collar and threw him against a wall 10 feet away

His unconscious body fell on the floor I started to run to him but something holded me back

"VIOLET CALM DOWN!" Cold yelled concerned

"No!" I spat and let out a growl has I tried to get free struggling against his grip he was clearly struggling until The others came and helped him out I kicked and yelled almost hitting them with my claws has I did so

I kept struggling angrily tears slowly forming at the edge of my eyes has I slowly stopped and started to sob

I fell on my knee stil sobbing my fist clenched

"Let's go Home okay?" Lloyd said softly

I nodded and wiped my tears away
"Yeah the police while deal with that rat" Kai spat at the end

"Yeah let's go now" Jay said has we started to walk out the building I turned to Ren who was stil unconscious

I walked to him and smiled giving him one last Kick in the face

"Pffft" Cole chuckled has I joined them back I smirked satisfied
Has we all started to wall back to the bounty

It was finally over...

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