Jin advise

Jungkook nod thinking deeply.

"Jinnie,  but Ina wishes to see her Dad , I promised I will let her meet him , but what now ??"
Jungkook asked

"Better,  she should meet her Dad before his last breath,  Solomon is loosing his mental stability due to the drugs soon the drugs will take his life , it's better for her to meet him for the last time"

Jin uttered with a smirk

"But Jinnie,  we had to shift Him into some Lavish hospital first,  if she finds out *Sucheon * is actually a mental hospital we created for organ trafficking??"

Jungkook asked

"No need , if we shift him now  ,she will get that easily, and more importantly,  I can Change Sucheon mental hospital to Sucheon Nursing home for one day , And your dumb wife don't have that much brain to find out anything "

Jin scoff

Jungkook sigh

"That's great I think,  I suppose it Will be better , do this then "

Jungkook replied.

"I'm counting on you Jinnie "

Jungkook uttered

"You can always count on me "

Jin replied sweetly

Jungkook left the room

Jin smirk

"Sometime I get jealous of my brain , how fantastic Ideas I make "

Jin mumbled

Otherside ....

Jungkook stopped at the doorstep And smirk

"Something is suspicious "

Jungkook mumbled Then reached his car .


"That's all he said ??"

Y/n asked through call

"Yes , did you investigated Illsan before??" Cristina asked

"I mean I checked the Hospitals but the name you're saying I've to search about it , there's no information about it in Google "

Y/n replied

"I know,  that's what I'm thinking,  I think he lied ,he doesn't trust me "

Cristina uttered with a sigh

"Don't be sad , and I think I should go there by myself and check , don't worry, if the information is false ,then also no problem you're going to meet him next day , you can find out too "

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