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"Pablo they're down there! We can't go past them just like that. They'll for sure suspect that something is happening."
I whispered to him.

"I have a plan! Listen now! You'll say that you'll go to Daniela's place because it's an emergency. But you'll do that five minutes after me. I'll just say that I'm going to Joao's place. Now let's just hope that none of them will ask to go with me."

"I don't like where this is going."

"You have to trust me okay? It's either that or jumping through the window from the second floor."

"Yeah, no way I'm doing that!"

"This will work for sure! Just trust me, okay?" he said while holding my hand.

"Fine... Come on then!"

I decided to wait for him in the kitchen. Well I have to pretend like everything is normal. He's not normal though. I'm not sure if this plan will work, but if it works... I'll trust him for everything for the rest of my life.

"Guys I'm out!" Pablo finally said.

"Where are you going?" Pedri asked.

"To Joao's place. I won't be there for too long, just need to pick up something."

"Oh okay! Tell him we said hi!"

"I will! See ya!" he peeked in the kitchen and winked at me.

I nodded and took a deep breath. Now it's my turn. I can do this... I'm an actress! It's my profession. They can't tell if I'm lying or not!

I heard the car starting and driving away. What the... Did he really just left me?! That wasn't the part of the plan!

I took my jacket, ready to do my thing so I can get out of the house without being suspicious. They were watching TV, scrolling through their phones.

"Hey guys, I'm going to see Dani!"

"It's almost midnight Mia. Why do you have to go to her place now?" Pedri asked confused.

"Because I have to tell her that I passed my driving test."

"Can't you wait until tomorrow?"

"I can't! I'm too excited to sleep and I promised her that I'll tell her today. I have to do that now!"

"Okay okay... You want me to give you a ride?"

"Nah, it's fine."

"It's better if I drop you at her place. I can't let you walk alone this late." he stood up to come with me but I stopped him.

"No, I mean, it's fine because she'll come to pick me up."

"Then why don't you girls stay here instead? I mean, since she's coming to pick you up."

"We also have to talk about something important. So if you could stop asking me questions so I can go, I'll be grateful!" I smiled.

"If you say so... If you need us, just call us okay?"

"Okay Pedri! I'll try to come back as soon as possible."

"Fine! See you!"

"Oh and tell Dani I said hi!" Fermin added before I walked out.

"I will!" I rolled my eyes playfully and immediately left the house. I didn't want them to ask me anything anymore. It's better if I leave immediately.

Pablo's car wasn't on the driveway, which wasn't the part of the plan. Just when I was about to call him and tell him that he's an idiot, my phone rang.

"Give me tough love!"Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon