You know you can trust me! Right?

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It was a little hard to explain where we were, but we managed somehow.
I guess boys were too focused on food than the fact that me and Pablo came back home late...together.

That night, I went to sleep with butterflies in my stomach. I couldn't calm myself down. There was no way to stop my thoughts about him.

If you expect me to say that something happened, then you're wrong. Nothing serious happened, except that we were making out.
We didn't do ✨it✨.

First, because it wasn't the right time and place for that. Second, because I'm not ready to do it. Pablo's not rushing me and I'm very thankful for that.

Some boyfriends literally force their girlfriends to do it, just because their horny asses can't wait that long to have sex.

Like, what kind of love is that?! You force that girl to do something she's not ready for!

It doesn't matter how old she is, she's still a human being. She has a right not to have sex until she's ready.

I don't wanna do it unless I know that person very well. I have to know someone better than I know myself to do it. Now don't get me wrong, I know Pablo very well but... I guess I'm too scared to do it.

I've never had a boyfriend before and all this is new to me. It's not the same when I read about relationships and those things. This is real life!


The beginning of May 2024...

These last few weeks, I was focused on my exams. If we leave out the plays and projects we're going to have in June, I only have one exam left.

And I'm not even stressed. I studied so hard for this. I just know that I'll pass it!

Dani and I were sitting in cafeteria, drinking coffee and studying.

"Ugh, I can't wait to finish this!" Dani groaned annoyed.

"Come on Dani! We only have a few weeks left."

"Mia, we have whole two months! If I don't pass this exam now, I'll have to leave it for September or October and I won't be able to go out in the summer, because I'll be stuck in my fucking room, with this fucking book, studying stupid shit that I won't even need and..."

"Breathe Dani, breathe! You gotta calm down girl!" I cut her off.

"It's easy for you to say. You know everything! You have to tell me your secret!"

"What secret?"

"How you study? How you have motivation?"

"You want me to tell you the truth?"

"Yes!" she sighed desperately.

"I don't study, I bribe the professors to give me good grades."

"What?! Mia! How can you do that?"

"I'm joking Dani! I just don't study 12 hours a day. I only study 4 hours.


"Mhm! You don't need to study 12 hours and sleep only 4. It should be opposite."

"But I can't remember anything if I study only 4 hours."

"Just try it. It's gonna be hard at first, but trust me, once you get used to it and organize your time, you'll know everything."

"But you always say that you study a lot and..."

"I can be dramatic sometimes. Don't pay attention to my complaining! Just trust me okay?"

"Give me tough love!"Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora