Fukuzawa turned to Kunikida "How are the military and city police reacting to her crimes?" He asked.

Kunikida raised his glasses "They've split into several teams to investigate. Luckily her identity seems to be safe thanks to the Mafia." He responded quickly.

"But... It'll only be a matter of time before her name is on the wanted list." He said somberly.

Then Fukuzawa turned to Kyouka "But... The Armed Detective Agency could prevent that."

Understanding what this meant, Kyouka bowed down to Fukuzawa "Please let me stay here. I will do anything."

Atsushi stood up trying to reason with her "It- it isn't that simple Kyouka!"

Kunikida quickly cut him off "The world is not so tender, just give up."

Nodding, Atsushi kept on talking "He's right. The Mafia will find you sooner or later, so why don't you find somewhere far away to hi-"

Ali quickly came between the two "Now, now, Atsushi. Why don't we listen to what Kyouka wants?" She suggested.

Kyouka smiled as she looked at Ali "Thank you... Ali... I want... I want to listen to Ali. What she told me yesterday... I want to follow her words... I don't wanna die for the 35 people I killed, but for the millions I can save... So..."

Atsushi listened, letting out a sigh before he bowed down to Fukuzawa. "Please let her stay." He begged, with Ali also bowing down.

Kyouka stared down at Fukuzawa, not faltering under his gaze. Moments filled with tension passed as Kyouka realized what she truly had to do.

She clasped her hands together, widened her eyes perfectly, and then stared at up Fukuzawa "Can I pwese join the detective agency? Pretty-please?"

"Hired." With those words out, Fukuzawa quickly left the conversation.

Everyone in the room was shocked by how easily Kyouka was accepted, while Ali was taking down notes.

Close to the entrance of the room there was some knocks on the door and a familiar face entered the agency.

Hey! That's the... Police guy! ... What's his name again?

The police guy and another person, seemingly his assistant come inside. "Sorry to intrude! But the documents we promised are here!"

Ranpo looked up and a flash of recognition went through his face "Hey... Aren't you that guy... Minoura! Who arrested his own assistant?" He said bluntly.

Oh! His name was Minoura! Thanks Ranpo! You may be a pudding thief but you're not evil. Well... Maybe.

Minoura sighed "We're not here for you Mr. Famous Detective... Today we're here for something else."

Then he noticed Kyouka, confused on why a little girl was at the Armed Detective Agency. "Is this girl an employee?" He asked.

Atsushi flinched as Minoura kept on talking "Y'know... She looks quite similar to a girl who's on the wanted list... Something about an orphan turned killer... What a terrible world we live in."

"Where are your parents? Do you have an ID with you?" He questioned.

Ali quickly jumped in "This is Kyouka! She's the Presidents granddaughter! She usual stays at home."

Then Ali playfully flicked Kyouka on the head, silently apologizing. "She keeps on forgetting to keep her ID on at all times! Despite all the times I've told her "There's a dangerous person around your age in this area." She just refuses to listen..." 

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