Chapter 8

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A/N: I finished reading the BSD manga after 2 days of binge reading this week. 

3rd Person POV:

Atsushi looked shocked at Kunikidas suggestion, while Ali just nodded. She saw this coming a mile away, even if you kill someone against your will, you still killed someone.

Atsushi spoke up "But then-" Kunikida ignored him and continued to speak "She killed 35 people, she'll definitely get capital punishment. Even if we return her to the mafia, she'll be deemed as a traitor and executed."

Atsushi fumed "We can't let her, just... Die like that! She's just a child!" Kunikida was quick to cut him off "So what are you going to do? Save her? A wanted criminal sentenced to death and a traitor to the mafia?"

Atsushi froze as Kunikida glared at him and continued to speak "Are you prepared to take on all her misfortune?" 

Ali stayed silent as she listened the the argument. Both sides had a point, and she didn't want Kyouka to die, but Kyouka had blood on her hands. And she doubted anyone was willing to help her.

Kunikida shook his head "Atsushi, I don't blame you for wanting to help her, but she's done too many bad things." Atsushi looked to the floor in shame as Kunikida walked away "Your boat can only carry one person. If you let someone else onboarded, you'll only drown together"

Ali watched as Atsushi stared at the ground, thinking deeply about Kunikidas words. Then he finally looked up and stared at Ali "Well... We should get Kyouka to the station..."


Kyouka patted her stomach as she continued to walk around the town. "I think I ate too much" She mumbled. Atsushi looked at Ali with a grateful look, remembering the bill from the restaurant.

Ali watched as Kyouka lovingly stared at an outfit on display at a shop, ignoring how Atsushi was probably having a moral debate about sending Kyouka to her death. 

 Ali gently poked Atsushi on the shoulder "Y'know, I don't blame you. It's perfectly fine to be feeling this way." Atsushi sighed as he nodded "I know it's just... I feel so... Evil. Sending a 14 year old to her own grave..."

Kyouka turned around "What are you two talking about?" She asked them. Atsushi stuttered before quickly coming up with an excuse "We- We were talking about what places we should bring you to! L- Like one big family trip!" Kyouka stared at him blankly and Atsushi continued "So... We have  day off, and you haven't done anything fun right?! So we're gonna have fun and relax today!"

Ali quickly nodded "Like one big field trip around the town!" She exclaimed. Kyouka stared at the two blankly "Field trip?" She repeated. The duo nodded and Kyouka slightly glanced towards the ground with a slight smile. 

"So cute!!!"  The two thought as they clenched their chest. 

The trio walked around the town following Kyoukas lead, playing games and eating snacks for the rest of the day. Kyouka hadn't felt this much like a child in a long long time.

Kyouka pointed towards a crepe stand "I wanna eat there." She told Ali. Ali nodded, but then she was stopped by Atsushi "I cant keep letting you pay for me..." He told her. "And besides, didn't we just eat?"

Ali and Kyouka quickly shook their heads in protest "There's always room for desert" They said in unison. Atsushi awkwardly laughed as the two skipped to the crepe stand and ordered something.

Ali turned the other way and inhaled the scent of the crepe, then she started eating it. The crepe was gone in less then a second. When Ali finally turned to Kyouka, she was met with blue eyes staring deeply into hers. 

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