Chapter 12

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Ali and Atsushi both nervously entered the room, they were both worried about the agency's reaction to Kyouka's arrival. Would the agency be willing to forgive Kyouka's crimes?

Gently squeezing Atsushi's hand Ali opened the door, catching sight of the members of the agency surrounding Kyouka.

And Kyouka being in a maid outfit.

Naomi snapped a photo as she smiled "Can you give us a twirl?" She asked, putting her phone onto flash mode.

Ali quickly ran forward and then pulled out a pair of cat ears from her bag, quickly putting them onto Kyouka's head.

Naomi and Yosano inspected Kyouka for a second before taking out a 10 point sign and nodding in approval.

Atsushi sat in the couch "So... How did this happen?" He asked, obviously confused on what was happening.

Ali took his shoulder and shook her head. "Atsushi... There comes a phase in every persons life... Where they just wanna dress up someone cute!" She exclaimed, holding her fist up and then pointing to Kyouka, who had taken off the outfit and changed back to her usual one.

Tanizaki motioned towards Kyouka. "That and the fact that she looks good in everything!" He said cheerfully. 

Atsushi held up his hand as she shook his head. "That's besides the point. And..." He looked at Kunikida judgmentally. 

Kunikida flinched "Don't give me that look. I tried to stop them." He said, the bags underneath his eyes evident of his struggles.

Meanwhile Ali was happily digging through her bag for whatever cute things she could find. 

She took out a dress, much to Kyouka's shock and then held it up to Kyouka's body. Before shaking her head and returning it to the bag.

She sighed "Looks like my old clothes can't fit you... It's just a little bit too big." She muttered.

Kyouka stared at the bag "How much stuff is in there?" She asked, reaching her hand into it. Slightly taken aback on how her entire arm was able to fit into it.

Ali put her hand up to her chin "I organized it a while back... So it shouldn't be that messy." 

She lifted the bag up and then put it into the air, then she flipped it. Multiple objects fell to the ground, creating a small pile of junk about 2 feet tall.

Kyouka debated weather or not she should think logically about the bag. Before deciding that she wasn't going to waste the brain power on it. 

She also decided to ignore the alarming amount of throwing knives and handguns in the pile.

Suddenly Ranpo opened the door with a smile "I'm back!!!" He exclaimed, with an entire bag of candy in his arms.

He made his way to Kyouka "This is the candy that changes color when you knead it that I told you about! C'mon knead it and see!" Then he paused "But only I can eat it."

Ranpo glanced at the pile of objects from Ali's bag, before reaching into the pile and taking out a piece of candy. Eating it with Kyouka's candy.

"H-Hey! That was my limited edition pudding candy..." Ali muttered. Before sighing and reaching into the pile and taking out another piece of candy.

Atsushi spoke up "Come to think of it, why's she here? Shouldn't she be at... A place that'll keep her hidden or something?"

"It's because I summoned her." Fukuzawa's voice echoed throughout the room. Atsushi visibly flinched from surprise.

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