Chapter 0.2

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Satsuji wiped away the blood on her face as she stared at her shaking hand. After almost a month of being on the battlefield, Satsuji had killed more people than she was willing to admit.

I want this to be over, I wanna go home, I don't... I don't wanna fight anyone...

Another person charged at her, their face covered with blood and tears as they ran towards her with a knife.

This person knows that they're going to be killed by me... They're just charging into death...

Satsuji pulled out her sword and effortlessly decapitated the person, their blood splattering on her face and the ground as their head rolled onto the ground.

Almost feeling dizzy, Satsuji watched as the person's head rolled over their glassy eyes staring into her quivering ones.

That person... At least they got to experience death... They don't have to kill anyone anymore...

Feeling that sickening feeling again, Satsuji crouched down and threw up on the ground once again. Her throw up mixing with the blood of the bodies beneath her.

Please God... Let me go home, I don't want to hurt anyone anymore...

As her tears splattered to the ground, Satsuji forced herself to her feet, staring at the ground aimlessly.

I'm just getting up to kill more people, ending their lives and then... I'll do it over and over again...

I just wanna go home...


Satsuji took a bite into the sandwich that had been shipped into the battlefield, chewing the seemingly flavorless meat of the sandwich.

She adjusted her oversized military jacket as she picked up her ringing phone, "Can I stop killing people?" She asked tiredly, rubbing her eyes.

"Just one more person, Calico." The person said to her, the phone slightly crackling from lack of signal.

Satsuji sat up, her posture straightening, "Who?" She asked, her eyes narrowing as her hand wrapped around the hilt of her sword.

"It's one of the generals on the other side. His name is Rai, and he has an ability... But we haven't figured out what yet." The crackling voice behind the speaker said.

"I'll send you a couple of files to help you, but it's on you." The speaker said, hanging up.


Satsuji inspected the pictures, looking at the bodies that seemed relatively unharmed

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

Satsuji inspected the pictures, looking at the bodies that seemed relatively unharmed. She also noticed how every victim had the hair blocking their forehead brushed away.

Does he have some kind of poison ability? That activates if he touched the victims forehead.

Too bad I'm not immune to poison...

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