Chapter 1

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I slurped my instant noodles and watched as one of the characters in the show I was watching solved the mystery with a snap of his fingers.

That was obviously just a bunch of plot armor, the likelihood of the murderer coincidently being at the crime scene was 0, and the likelihood of the detective also having the perfect evidence against the murder was also 0.

Why was I even watching this if I was gonna diss it? The show had a good concept, nice animation, and extremely good looking characters. I was really just trying to distract myself from the assignment I had due in couple of hours.

I swear, the professors had to plan it so that all the students on campus would suffer, there were 6 tests that week, and according to a lot of students (myself included) there were 3 big projects that same week.

Why am I even paying to suffer? Med school is probably one of the most expensive purchases I've ever made. 

Oh well. I'm pretty sure that I'm not the only one that won't get this assignment done. Yesterday when I walked into the library I had to comfort 7 crying students. And they were all in my class.

I rolled off my bed and hit the floor with a thud, and then rolled my way to the fridge for some pudding.

When I opened the fridge all I saw were yesterdays leftovers and some milk. There was no pudding.

I groaned as I put on a coat and a mask, then I left my dorm to do some shopping.


I saw the cashier raise her eyebrow slightly as I bought 50 boxes of pudding and 20 bags of potatoes. 

I picked up all the boxes and bags and left the market, ignoring the gazes I got from everyone watching a 5'3 girl holding groceries that probably weighed more then her.

I made my way past the street, and out of the corner of my eye I saw a girl in a high school uniform cross the street and a white unmarked truck speeding in her direction.

I dropped some of my groceries and ran forward and kicked the truck back a couple inches.

Just as I was about to lecture the driver about safe driving another white unmarked truck appeared out of nowhere and hit me, then 2 more trucks hit me.

I knew I shouldn't have gone shopping...


I woke up in a empty white space, where a bunch of glowing yellow ball orbs were wildly... Floating?

After looking around for a bit one of the orbs finally seemed to notice me. "Guys! Truck-kun got their first victim!!!"

The orbs all groaned in frustration, sounding eerily similar to some of my overworked classmates when they find out that they have yet another assignment to finish.

"At least they're gonna come back soon..." One of them muttered.

I looked around at the empty space "So... Where am I?" 

The orb that spoke earlier didn't answer my question, it grabbed my sleeve and just dragged me to a well furnished room.

Inside the room there was what was another glowing being, but this time it had a more humanoid shape. "Boss, Truck-kun escaped containment, and this is who it set its sights on this time."

The shape sighed before snapping, bringing me to his desk. "Sat- Pardon me, Ali correct?" It asked me.

I nodded as some tea and pudding appeared in front me, the shape motioned at me to eat it before it started to talk. "Due to a slip-up with our employees, your bright future has ended. This is what you humans might know as the afterlife."

I awkwardly ate my pudding while nodding along to him "So I died?" I asked. The figure nodded "A anomaly classified as Truck-kun escaped the cage we sealed him in. Once Truck-kun sets his sights on something there's no escape, if you get in the way of his hunt you'll become his new target."

I swallowed my pudding as I looked towards my lap and wiped away a couple of tears. "On the bright side at least in Hell I'll see Se-" The figure cut me off "Ali, you weren't meant to die. And while we can't send you back to your old world, we can at least send you to another world."

I took a tissue that had appeared next to me and wiped away a tear "This is starting to sound like a isekai troupe..." I muttered with a smile.

The figure emitted a warm glow, it gave me the impression that it was smiling "What was the last piece of fiction you read or saw?" I rummaged through my bag and pulled out the anime episode of Bungou Stray Dogs I was on.

The figure nodded "You won't have any beforehand knowledge either, good. And looking through on your file, this universe would be perfect for you."

"Though, if you want to survive in this world then you might want to have an ability..." The figure snapped its fingers and a slip of paper appeared "You can write down on the paper what ability you want."

I nodded and wrote down the first thing that came to mind. "Thank you for giving me another chance."

The figure let out a comforting laugh "Now, I hope I don't see you for another couple hundred years. Live a long happy life."

I smiled as I waved goodbye before the figure quietly muttered "Also you need some limitations on your ability." Before I could talk back the figure snapped its fingers and I felt myself disappear into the space.

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