"This is so embarrassing!" He said almost crying, wiping his face in annoyance.

Husk chuckled and shrugged. He felt better knowing he wasn't the only one feeling nervous. He wasn't going to admit now.

"Yeah? Well, you weren't so embarrassed at the party." Husk said with a wink.

Angeldust's nodded. He just needed the reassurance. He crawled into Husk's lap, put his top hands on the cat's sboulders, and wrapped the lower set of arms around Husk's body.

"So why don't we pick up where I left off?" He suggested in a seductive tone.

Husk nodded wrapping his arms around Angel too, the spider leaned closer, Husk tilted his head up and their lips met. Husk was the one who, deepened the kiss this time,  as Angeldust started grinding against him. They both were grunting into the kiss before Angeldust eventually pulled away biting Husk's bottom lip as he did.

The tall spider, unzipped his costume glad this one had a zipper in the front. He gently pushed Husk down on the bed and started undoing the buttons on the shirt he gave the cat demon. Husk took the shirt off and threw it somewhere.

Seemingly as quickly as it started, they were both naked. Angel was now under Husk, his arms wrapped around the cat demon doing his best to avoid Husk's wings as he scratched up the cat's back.

"Oh com'on Scnookums harder!" Angel groaned.

Husk seemed weary, but he complied. He gripped Angel's shoulders pounding into him.

The room filled with more of Angel's noises, and some of Husk's.

"Yeeeessss! Oh that's the stuff!" Angel moaned.

Husk didn't mean to but his claws sank into Angel's skin as he picked up his pace, causing the spider to scream in pleasure, but Husk panicked and immediately stopped what he was doing.

"Shit I- I'm sorry." He apologized quickly kissing Angel's shoulder that was now bleeding a little bit. "Are you okay?! I'm so so so sorry."

Angel groaned and sat up, he held Husk's chin between two fingers.

"Husky, I'm fine. You'd know if you actually hurt me." He assured, he twirled part of Husk's fur around his finger.

Husk nodded and apologized again. Angel sighed, he wrapped two arms around Husk's neck and kissed him softly, before he looked into the cat's eyes.

"You wanna ride me?" Angel asked.

Husk's eyes went wide.

"I uh," he rubbed his neck. "I've never uh-" Husk refused to make eye contact as his face went red.

Angeldust just chuckled at how awkward Husk could be.

"That's oka-" He reached for the nightstand but, quickly remembered they were in Husk's room. He ran a hand through his hair.

"Shit." He sighed.

Angel wrapped his arms around Husk again and flipped them over so Husk was under him. Being on top wasn't his favorite thing but he didn't mind. Husk was a little taken back, Angel made it abundantly clear he was a power bottom, so this surprised him.

Angeldust lowered himself onto Husk moaning as he did so. Husk grunted. Angel's top hand held onto Husk's chest while his lower hands roamed through the cat's fur.

"Fuck, Anthony!" Husk yelled.

Angel hushed him, as much as he loved hearing it, nobody else needed to know his name. They definitely didn't need to find out this way.  Husk began thrusting his hips upwards making Angel groaned as well. 

"Harder Husky." Angel instructed whipping his head back as the cat complied.

Their thrusts met each other's in harmony, as their sounds filled the room. The cat demon wrapped one hand around Angel's crotch and began jerking him off as he continued pounding into Angel's ass.

The spider groaned loudly.

"Look at that, I didn't even have to ask." He teased.

Husk rolled his eyes as he continued multitasking. They both were grunting various profanities.

"Ugh Webs I'm gonna -"

Angel smirked.

"M-me too. Just don't fuckin stop!" Angel assured and pleaded.

The two came, Angel took a minute to catch his breath before he got off of the cat demon. He quickly noticed he left a little of himself on Husk, so he went into Husk's bathroom and grabbed a paper towel. When he came back he began cleaning off Husk's stomach.

"Sorry bout that." He apologized.

Husk shook his head, and extended his arms. Angeldust laid on top of him and the cat demon wrapped his arms around him. He kissed Angel on the forehead.

"Ti amo Kitty."

"Ti amo Tony."

Husk played with Angel's hair as the spider eventually fell asleep. He purred contently and nuzzled his face in the crook of Angel's neck placing a soft kiss before, he laid his head back on his pillow. He eventually fell asleep too.

Do or Die,  a Huskerdust StoryWhere stories live. Discover now