A Tryst of Hearts - CSC x KMG

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Author - This is a love triangle between Choi Seungcheol, Yn and Kim Mingyu

In the bustling city of Seoul, where the lights flickered like stars in the night sky and the streets thrummed with life, Kim Mingyu, Choi Seungcheol, and Yn found themselves caught in a whirlwind of desire, passion, and forbidden love.

Mingyu, with his soulful eyes and gentle touch, was a talented musician whose melodies spoke to the depths of the human spirit. Seungcheol, with his commanding presence and magnetic charisma, was a successful entrepreneur whose ambition knew no bounds. And Yn, with her ethereal beauty and quiet strength, was a refugee from war-torn Syria, seeking solace and sanctuary in a world far from home.

Their paths collided one fateful night at a charity gala, where Mingyu's haunting melodies drew Seungcheol's attention to Yn, sparking a fire within him that he could not extinguish. From that moment on, their lives became intertwined in ways they could never have imagined.

Mingyu and Seungcheol both found themselves captivated by Yn's beauty and grace, each drawn to her in their own way. They pursued her relentlessly, showering her with gifts and affection, vying for her attention in a bid to win her heart.

But Yn was torn between two worlds, her heart pulled in opposite directions by the love she felt for both men. Mingyu's tender affection and soulful music stirred something deep within her, while Seungcheol's commanding presence and unwavering determination ignited a passion she could not deny.

As the tension between them reached a fever pitch, Mingyu and Seungcheol found themselves at a crossroads, each desperate to claim Yn as their own. They proposed a daring plan -
A night of passion shared between the three of them, a chance for each of them to experience the depths of desire and the ecstasy of love.

Yn, torn between her love for both men, reluctantly agreed, knowing that the path she had chosen was fraught with danger and uncertainty. As the night unfolded, passions flared and boundaries blurred, and for a brief moment, they existed in a world of pure ecstasy and uninhibited desire.

But as the dawn broke and reality set in, Yn found herself faced with an impossible choice. Mingyu and Seungcheol both demanded her love and devotion, unwilling to share her with anyone else. In the end, she chose neither, realizing that her heart could not be tethered to the whims of mortal men.

Heartbroken and alone, Mingyu and Seungcheol watched as Yn slipped away into the night, her silhouette disappearing into the shadows of the city. And as they stood there, consumed by the emptiness of their own desires, they knew that some loves were destined to remain unrequited, forever haunting the depths of the human soul.

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