Bittersweet - Jeon Wonwoo

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Wonwoo and Yn's love story was a tale woven with threads of passion, devotion, and unwavering commitment. From the moment they met, their connection was electric, igniting a flame that burned brightly in their hearts.

Their journey together was filled with countless moments of joy and laughter, as they navigated life's twists and turns hand in hand. Wonwoo, with his gentle demeanor and fierce loyalty, cherished Yn like no other, while Yn, with her radiant smile and compassionate spirit, captivated Wonwoo's soul in ways he never thought possible.

As their love blossomed, so did their dreams of building a future together. They longed to start a family, to create a home filled with love and laughter, where their children would grow and thrive. And when Yn discovered she was pregnant, their joy knew no bounds, as they eagerly awaited the arrival of their little one.

Months passed, filled with anticipation and excitement, as Wonwoo doted on Yn, showering her with love and affection as they prepared for the new addition to their family. But as the day of the birth drew near, fate dealt them a cruel blow.

During labor, complications arose, and despite the best efforts of the medical team, Yn's condition deteriorated rapidly. Wonwoo stood by her side, his heart breaking as he watched the love of his life fight for her life and the life of their child.

In the midst of pain and anguish, Yn summoned every ounce of strength within her, her love for Wonwoo and their unborn child serving as a beacon of hope in the darkness. But tragically, as their baby entered the world with a cry that pierced the air, Yn's own cries fell silent, her life slipping away as Wonwoo's world shattered around him.

Devastated by the loss of his beloved wife, Wonwoo held their newborn child in his arms, a bittersweet reminder of the love they had shared and the life they had hoped to build together. And as he looked into the innocent eyes of their baby, Wonwoo made a solemn vow to honor Yn's memory, to be the best father he could be, and to keep her spirit alive in the heart of their child.

Though Yn was gone, her love lived on in every beat of Wonwoo's heart, in every breath he took. And as he cradled their baby close, he knew that their love would transcend even the boundaries of life and death, binding them together for eternity in a bond that could never be broken.

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