Chapter Nine

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Only thirty-six hours had passed since their return from the human realm, but Palya felt like an eternity had gone by already. Throughout that time, Iloyu lay asleep in his room. The void-goddess stayed by his side, constantly on guard and desperately wishing that he would stir.

Walha, Likoda, and Toho took turns sitting with her whenever they could. The other gods had also dropped in, both to check his progress and to inquire about what she'd done in the human realm. For now, though, Toho kept her company from his seat by the bedroom's entrance.

Guilt wracked her as she watched him exist in the state that she'd been trying to avoid since her ascension. Part of her believed that she should be in his place instead. She reached for his hand and stroked it with gentle fingers.

"Iloyu," she whispered. This was perhaps her hundredth attempt to wake him, but she didn't give up hope. "Iloyu, please wake up."

Somehow, this time around, he did react to her voice. Iloyu's eyes fluttered open, much to Palya's joy. She clutched his hand as he took several deep breaths and studied his room.

"What happened?" he said, his voice hoarse from lack of use.

At that moment, Toho stood up and approached the bed. The water-god's oracle crossed his arms as he looked Iloyu over. Palya allowed him to proceed, of course, since he knew more about the effects of godly powers and magic than herself.

"Your goddess here didn't rein in her power fast enough," Toho said, satisfied with his assessment. "You fainted, and I had to carry you back to Natngilaka over my shoulder like a sack of purple yam."

"I'm not going to thank you if that's what you're expecting," Iloyu grumbled, much to Palya's relief. If neither he nor the oracle were making a fuss, then there must be no reason to worry any further.

"Are you feeling better?" she asked, just in case.

Iloyu's forehead crinkled as he thought of an answer. Palya couldn't resist taking care of him then. She brushed his hair away from his cheeks and fluffed the cushions at his sides.

"I still feel like I inhaled a whole bonfire." He tried craning his head away from the pillow beneath, but he gave up and grimaced after a short while. "My head feels like it's stuffed with cotton."

"Would you like some water?" Palya suggested, thinking that something cool would help both his parched throat and his headache.

"Actually," Iloyu said before she could retrieve a cup of water from the nightstand, "as embarrassing as this is to admit, I'd like to use the washroom."

It took a moment for the man's request to sink in.

"Oh." Once it did, Palya couldn't help but blush at its repercussions. She would help him relieve himself if she must, of course, but the ordeal would be awkward for them both.

Palya had seen the man bare-chested since he often removed his robe on hotter days. However, that was the limit of her exposure to his physique. As for his other parts, she was not prepared to see them so suddenly like this.

Perhaps if she had the time to steel herself for the task, she wouldn't be so nervous. However, Iloyu needed assistance immediately. His body wasn't going to wait while she overcame the panic that would surely arrest her once he'd disrobed.

At a loss, Palya turned to the only other person in the room.

Toho's eyebrows rose, surprised that she'd ask for his mercy. The man pointed to himself, and Palya nodded vigorously. She even went so far as to clasp her hands and lean towards him, if only to convince him to help just this once.

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