Atop my everything

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Atop her head
Beauty arises,
Her voice is heard
Like violins in an orchestra
My sanity she stole
Like she owns it
I'm in awe
Awed by her strength.

Atop her lofty throne
Time freezes,
Her veil is clear
Purity never looked so good
My senses call to her
Like a songbird to its mate
Cleanse me
Lest I fall away.

Atop my heart
She sets her sights,
Like the majestic eagle
She soars with my heart
I'm beyond fallen
I'm so deep in love
My senses fail me
I'm hers
Always and forever.

Atop my voice
Her name is spoken,
Like a sonnet
She's a faithful muse
Her beauty captured my soul
Oh God let her be mine
I wish she'd see
The heights I dream of
Keep her safe Lord
Let her abide
Atop my everything.
©Adiela Michael Osiah

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