Take My Hand

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Take my hand
My voice betrays me,
Your scent disturbs me
I'm drawn to your love
Help me up
I keep falling
Falling deeper
Deeper in your arms.

Take my hand
Lest I fade away,
You're my anchor
My ship sticks to you
Be the glue I need
I'm even worse than Van Gough
My skin falls apart
Even before I speak
You listened.

Take my hand
Draw me closer,
Let my heart be
Yours to take
I'm falling in your arms
I repeat
I'm falling in your arms
For my soul to be your own
What must I do?.

Take my hand
Dance with me,
I've dreamt so many times
Of us and this moment
Let my heart sing
It swims in depression
A void I can't swim in
It spins me away
Away from you.

Take my hand
I'm yours to hold,
Yes you're here
Here in my heart
Even beyond my heart
I still care
Keep my thoughts
I kept yours
Even if I fade
Your image still stands.

Take my hand
In this dark world,
Let's be pilgrims
Journeying through
Through these grounds
I'm but your companion
One who wishes to love
Just do me a little favor
Please take my hand.
©Adiela Michael Osiah.

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