The Things I've Lost

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The things I've lost
My sanity,
My mind dried up
Like the desert
I'm alive but not living
My head spinning
Like a top
Where do I go?.

The things I've lost
Are gone in flames,
Yes they're priceless
Like jewels
They were to me
I called upon the elements
Bathe me in your sanctuary
Rekindle this heart.

The things I've lost
Are more than words,
So many times
My heart drifts
My body fades
Leave nothing behind
Take it all
It becomes you
Like dragons
I have to be strong.

The things I've lost
Can make you weep,
It stays with me
Happiness finds you
But my road to her
Ended a while ago
Keep on her path
I'll sit on her crossroads.

The things I've lost
Are gone to you,
Keep them alive
Remember the days
Let them be your voice
I'll be fine
Just be the Phoenix you are
This band has met its end
Be safe in her
A bitter herb
But I still wish to be yours.
© Adiela Michael Osiah.

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