Makenna unlocked the door to one of the guest rooms and moved out of the way so Vanna could walk inside . She motioned over to the closet then the dresser . "Some of my old clothes are still stored in here , you can borrow them for the night if you want . I'll throw your clothes in the wash with mine later so they'll be ready to wear in the morning." She turned to walk back down the hall . "Feel free to eat whatever you want in the kitchen , I have enough food stocked up . The tv remote is in the second drawer of the nightstand and the cell phone charger is on the left side of the bed near the wall. " Vanna nodded her head and plopped down on the large king sized bed covered in dark blue sheets.  She reached between the wall and bed  , and pulled the cable on top of the comforter and plug in her phone . "I really appreciate you letting me stay over , " She called out , hoping Makenna had heard her. Falling back onto the bed , She closed her eyes and sighed . She was thankful her best friend had allowed her to stay the night . It wasn't safe to be outside at all once the sun was down , hell , it wasn't safe to be outside in general but at least during the day there was less chances of having someone sneaking up on you from behind in broad daylight .

She rolled on her side and hugged her body , her eyes drooped as tears threatened to fall. It would be a lie if she said she wasn't afraid . She hated the feeling on being alone , Relationship wise and just in general . Savannah wondered if Makenna ever felt frightened being all by herself all the time . The woman had no car and hardly ever left her home , at least that she knew of. Makenna was like a hermit hiding away inside the safety of her brick house while craziness unfolded all around her . She twisted her body and reached for her phone , and brought it close to her face . It was only six o'clock , but Vanna knew the bad men and women would be out and about searching for their next victim .  She just hoped they stayed far away from Makenna's  house as possible .  She wasn't prepared to be one of those people she sees on the news being carried away in an ambulance or worse , in  a body bag.  "Oh , stop it , Savannah. Everything is okay. You are inside and Makenna is just down the hall. Everything is fine." Her thoughts traveled back to earlier at the diner . Now that she thought about it , those men had a bad juju vibe about them. She didn't know why she even approached them in the first place , wait , of course she did. Because I'm stupid as hell and always try to find ways to get myself in trouble .  She tossed her phone on the bed and rolled on her back , staring up at the ceiling .  She covered her eyes with the back of her hand and groaned out loud .  She really needed to stop trying to hook up with random men , who knows , maybe one day one of them might turn out to be a serial killer . Oh , that would just fucking suck. Talk about bad luck.

It took a while to find her , after asking around and even snooping through social media , he was able to locate where she lived . The neighborhood looked familiar . His boots scraped against the asphalt as he walked down the street . His eyes scanned each house he passed by from behind the darkened sunglasses he wore.  He noticed a brick home with yellow police tape wrapped around the front , blood-stained shards of glass littered the lawn. He suddenly remembered how the street looked so familiar to him , It was on the news earlier this morning . A man had somehow snuck his way inside the home , killing the homeowner then murdering five officers in cold blood.  Dogs barked and howled . He kept walking , letting the canines  loud , obnoxious growls and barks  fade into the background .  He slowed to a stop as his eyes caught sight of the silver Chevy suburban from earlier . He smiled to himself . He slipped the small , orange sticky note from his jacket pocket and checked the address written on it. Lifting his gaze from the paper , his smile grew wider as the address on the mail box matched what he had on the sticky note . He not only found the annoying little bitch from earlier , but her friend was with her as well. He crumpled the note up and tossed it in a nearby yard . Slipping the pocket knife  from  the back pocket of his jeans , he stalked towards the house .

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