{Chapter 30 - Nerf Nuggets}

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"Hey! Snakey, Bandanna, Killjoy! I've got a job for you." Cid called Stellia, Hunter, and Echo over. 

"What is it this time?" Stellia muttered just loud enough for Hunter to hear.

"I need you three to run a couple cases of nerf nuggets for me." Cid demanded.

"Does that really require three of us?" Echo pointed out. 

"It does when there's fifty cases." Cid raised her eyebrows- "Now get moving! I don't have all day!" 

The three sighed heavily. Wrecker stepped in to help them load up the Marauder. 

"Great. I get stuck third wheeling." Echo muttered under his breath.

"What was that Echo?" Stellia raised her eyebrows.

"Nothing." Echo sighed- "Let's just get this over with." 

They made quick work of loading up the ship. Before Stellia knew it they were packed into the now very crowded Marauder. Echo took the copilot seat, while Hunter sat in the passenger seat behind Stellia. 

"Did Cid give us the coordinates?" Stellia queried.

"Yep, looks like we're headed to Alderaan." Echo informed.

"Huh, haven't been there in a hot minute huh?" Stellia booted up the ship, sending them out of atmosphere, and into hyperspace.

"I'm gonna go make sure Cid hasn't snuck anything suspicious into these cases." Hunter announced as he stood up from his seat. 

Echo turned his head to watch Hunter leave before fixing his attention back on Stellia- "How have you two been doing?"

Stellia grew confused at the purpose of the question- "What do you mean?" 

"Well, I don't know how long your whole 'hidden feelings' jig had been going on before I arrived, but I know it's been long enough that you two were practically already together without knowing it. So what's the deal? Have things been smooth?" 

"They've been good I guess, why?" 

"Just making sure." Echo paused before continuing- "You two are good for each other. Hunter has been happier than any of us have seen him in a long time. I'd hate to think it's for nothing."

"Are you really giving me the 'hurt him and I'll kill you' talk?" Stellia laughed. 

"I've already had the same conversation with him if it makes you feel any better." Echo shrugged. 

Stellia rolled her eyes to the heavens. It was then that Hunter re-entered the cockpit. 

"The crates are free from any unsavory items. It looks like Cid actually did just want us to deliver some nerf nuggets." Hunter informed.

"Well that's a first." Echo muttered. 

The ship jolted out of hyperspace. The three were faced with the stunning green and blue hues of Alderaan. 

Suddenly the ship was rocked by a blaster bolt.

"What was that?" Stellia called out to Hunter, who had run straight to to rear cannon. 

"Looks like an IRP fighter-" Hunter called back.

"What's it doing all the way out here?" Stellia exclaimed as she took a sharp turn to avoid the fighter.

She got her answer when they turned to spot a Venator, out of it flew three more fighters. 

"Hunter!" Stellia called out, willing him to fire back. 

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