[Chapter 14 - Rampage]

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Wrecker groaned and rubbed his head.

"You all right?" Hunter asked him.

"Yeah, yeah. It's nothing." 

"You sure? I have some spare painkillers if you need them." Stellia offered as she entered the cockpit, leaning on the back of Hunter's seat.

Wrecker shook his head no, heading back into the belly of the ship.

"According to Cid's intel, the Zygerrian slave traders are hiding in the ruins of Old Ord Mantell city." Teck informed.

"What's a slave trader?" Omega asked as she swung around in one of the pilot seats.

"Someone who buys and sells people for credits." Tech explained.

"People can be sold?" Omega's nose wrinkled in confusion.

"They don't have a choice. They're captives treated like property." Echo informed.

"That... doesn't seem right." Omega looked slightly pale at the thought.

"It's not. And we're going to stop it happening to that kid." Echo assured. 

"As well as earn a decent amount of credits once the job is complete." Tech added.

Echo sighed- "Yeah, that too." 

Stellia smiled as she saw Omega pick up a small rag-doll, talking to it- "Don't worry Muchi. We'll rescue you." 

The ship landed with a jolt and the group stepped out. Stellia picked at the clasp of her escrima stick holster. Hunter picked up on her nervous habit and took her up on it.

"You all right?"

"Yeah? Why?" Stellia failed to hide the uncertainty in her voice, even under the helmet.

"You're picking at your holster." Hunter observed.

Stellia sighed- "I just don't know about working with Cid. She might have changed her tune, but when I worked with her, the only person she was loyal to was the highest bidder." 

"It'll be okay. We'll figure it out, we always do." Hunter assured before heading to where the others were perched on a cliff face.

"I have a visual." Tech announced as he peered through his scopes- "I only see one child."

"Poor Muchi. She looks scared." Omega cooed sympathetically. 

"I'm clocking two dozen hostiles. Multiple entry points with minor fortification." Tech continued.

"Simple smash and grab like that time on Kuat. Easy enough." Wrecker said confidently.

"I'm in. What are we waiting for?" Omega asked excitedly.

"You get back to the ship." Hunter stopped Omega.


"That's an order." 

"It's okay squirt, I can sit this one out with you if you want." Stellia offered. 

"It's fine." Omega looked down sadly.

Stellia ruffled her hair and ran off to follow the others. 


They carefully made their way along the perimeter of the camp, stopping at an old tower that had been left in ruins.

"Echo, Stell, you're the eyes in the sky. Wrecker, draw the Zygerrian forces out. Tech and I will grab the kid." Hunter ordered.

Echo and Stellia nodded before traversing the wreckage of the city to get a good view of the camp. While Echo made his way up the tower nearest to them, Stellia traveled a little further, taking her post nearer to the camp, but with more cover than him. 

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