[Chapter 1 - Prologue ~ Part 1]

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The streets of Nar Shaddaa were cold and dark. Shadows loomed above the many heads of the civilians making their way around. Critters scuttled around in the dark gloomy alleyways, right alongside the woeful souls who had lost their livelihoods to the bright flashing lights of the casinos.

The city planet was a potent hive of villainy and scum. Hidden in the shadows was a cloaked figure. The figure darted down a few alleyways, then up a ladder. Now gaining speed, the figure danced across the rooftops, one would be mistaken in thinking they were merely frolicking.

Further down the way of buildings, four armored men appeared. The shortest, rather broad shouldered, with distinctive armor painted with blacks, whites, and reds, gave the other men a signal. The other three men split off, the largest of the group heading back down the ladder they had just climbed, along with the bespectacled one. The thinnest of the group took out his sniper rifle, running off to find a perch in the same direction as the other two.

The broad shouldered man, clearly the leader, bent down to the ground, brushing it and picking up what looked to be a strand of fine brown hair. Bringing it closer to his face, he examined it before allowing it to drift to the ground as he dropped it to resume his chase.

The cloaked figure continued to dart across the rooftops, they turned their head to find the armored man behind them. Picking up the pace, they could feel their heart thumping nervously somewhere in their stomach.

The figure dodged and darted, eventually losing the man. They came across a starfighter- a Modified Omicron by the looks of it. They noticed the open door, and snuck in, heading straight for the control panel to hotwire it.

There was a cough from behind them. They whipped their head up to be faced with the broad shouldered clone from earlier. The figure whipped out a blaster, but so did the man. He didn't speak a word, and neither did they. The pair were locked in a silent competition. Who would break first? The man did.

"Are you going to give me the intel back? Or are we gonna have to do this the hard way?"

The figure swiftly stood up. Their eyes darted around wildly, trying to gauge a way out. 

"I wouldn't try to escape if I were you. I've got two of my men guarding the door, and another with a sniper aimed right at it in the event that you somehow overpower the other two." 

The figure knew they were out-numbered. The broad shouldered man could feel their heart's pace steadily speeding up as the gears in their head churned desperately. The man could tell that he'd get nowhere if he waited for the figure to act, so he decided it was time to make an offer.

"What are the Separatists paying you for this?" 

"More than you can give me." 

The man switched directions, taking off his helmet and placing his blaster back in its holster, raising his hands.

"You got a name?" 


"Mine's Hunter. Sergeant Hunter." 

Hunter scanned the figure, taking in their tattered clothing, damaged looking armor, and masked face.

"I get it. You hit hard times right? And the Seppies made an offer you couldn't refuse. Now, you're in too deep. You leave, they come after you. You don't, and the Republic does." 

"Siren. That's what they call me." 

"And what do you call you?" Hunter realized that the question sounded stupid, but he trusted that 'Siren' would understand.

"Stellia. My name is Stellia."

"Well, Stellia, what if I told you I can give you a way out? A chance at something better?" 

That had peaked her interest. She tipped her head up, signalling him to continue.

"Come with me and the boys. No one in the Republic has to know what you were, as far as they're concerned you're just a stray we picked up along the way. We can give you food, water, clothes, and a home. All I ask in return is that you hand over that intel." 

"I-" Stellia sighed- "Look, I appreciate the offer, but it's more complicated than that."

"Go on." Hunter prompted.

"I can't just join up with the Republic, because they're allied with people who want my head, regardless of my affiliations." 

Hunter gave her a confused look. She holstered her blaster, and removed her face coverings.

"The Kaminoans. If they find out I'm alive, they'll take me back to their labs and either have me euthanized or keep me for their experiments." 

This took Hunter by surprise, he'd known that the Kaminoans could be slightly uncaring in their treatment of the clones, but what Stellia was describing was bordering on malicious. Nonetheless, he decided that he would inquire further later, as he didn't want to break the small amount of trust he'd gained so far. 

"They don't have to find out. We'll make sure of it. We may not seem it, but we aren't exactly new to going against authority." 

Stellia considered the offer for a good long while. Eventually she decided she didn't have much else to lose.

"All right." 

Hunter nodded at her, before walking out to give the boys the all clear. They each walked in, and before they could even introduce themselves, the thinner man from before took off his helmet, placing a toothpick in his mouth, and decided to make a snide remark.

"Great, a stray." 

"Careful, she bites." Stellia responded without even thinking. 

The man's eyebrows raised slightly, before he gave her a look of what seemed to be approval. 

"Are we sure about this Hunter? How do we know she's truly turned from the Separatists?" the bespectacled man inquired. 

"I trust her. That should be enough." Hunter gave the man a look that said 'don't push it'- "I guess some introductions would be in order. The skeptic over there is Tech." He motioned to the goggled man- "Crosshair's the one with an attitude problem." He pointed at the thinner man- "And the big guy is Wrecker." He didn't even have to motion to the tank of a man behind him.

Stellia nodded at the lot of them, and they all left to go about their business. She followed Hunter as he went to situate himself at one of the computers. 

"Thank you." 

"No worries. We were in need of someone with your capabilities anyway." 

Stellia smiled slightly. Despite only knowing these men for a few minutes, she felt at home. 

The ship powered up and took off, ready to face the galaxy.


And there we have chapter 1 of Impulse! I hope you're enjoying so far, remember to vote and comment, peace and love <3

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