[Chapter 4 - Programming]

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The Batchers were situated in the mess hall, with Hunter and Stellia grabbing some food from the buffet. Stellia could see Hunter's face go into what she liked to call 'snooping mode' as he listened in on the conversation of some clones nearby that were just out of her earshot. The pair made their way over to the table, hearing Wrecker before they saw him.

"I LIKE TO BLOW THINGS UP. BECAUSE I LIKE TO BLOW THINGS UP!" Wrecker slammed his fists down on the table- "Got it?" 

"Well, I'm convinced." Crosshair said snidely.

Hunter took a seat beside Tech, with Stellia sitting down next to Wrecker on the opposite side.

"An Imperial's being sent to evaluate the clones. Everybody's talking about it." Hunter informed.

"So you were snooping." Stellia lifted her helmet ever so slightly to take a bite of a protein stick. 

"What kind of evaluation?" Echo inquired.

"Hopefully not mental. Clearly we'd never pass that." Tech pointed out. 

Everyone at the table eyed each other. Stellia rolled her eyes. 

"Hello again." Omega appeared beside Hunter, who raised an eyebrow at her.

Everyone looked at her confusedly as she smiled awkwardly and waved. 

"Omega. From earlier?" 

They all continued to stare at her blankly.

"In the corridor?" 

"Yeah, kid. We remember." Hunter answered her- "Don't you have someplace to be?"

"No. I'll stay." She went happily about eating her food.

Stellia couldn't help but laugh at the whole situation. All of the other Batchers were looking at her like she'd just sprouted a third head, Hunter had gone to take a bite of his wrap about five times, missing all of them, Crosshair seemed to be the only one completely disinterested in the whole thing.

"You... want to sit with us?" Tech asked, to which she responded with an eager nod- "That's never happened before..." 

"Wow..." Wrecker trailed off in surprise. 

"I like you. You don't fit in around here either." the girl sipped her soup.

"What are you really doing here on Kamino, kid? Don't you have a family somewhere? Parents?" Hunter looked around in the hopes of finding a parental figure of some description.

"Parents?" Omega sounded as if that was a completely foreign concept to her.

It was then that a group of regs sashayed by the table.

"Check it out. The defect squad's got themselves a new recruit. Another member added to the sad batch." the clone chuckled. 

Suddenly, and without warning, Omega stood up and hurled a wad of food at the clone that had insulted them. The clone turned slowly, seething with rage. 

"Who threw that?" he yelled.

"I did. Now apologize to my friends." Omega tossed a wrap in the air threateningly. 

Stellia chuckled to herself. This kid had nerve.

"I like this kid!" Wrecker exclaimed.

"What did you say to me?" the reg pointed an accusatory finger at her.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Back off." Hunter stepped in- "I suggest you keep moving." 

The reg glared at Hunter, and then the rest of the Batch. He seemed to see some sense and turned to walk away. But then he made the mistake of hurling one last insult.

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