{Chapter 11 - Relax}

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Stellia was holed up in her room, loud bass music blared through her speakers as she pulled out her paint brushes and worked on the mural on her wall. She became so entranced in he work that she failed to notice the knocking at the hatch to the room. 

"Stellia!" she heard Omega's voice travel up. 

She quickly turned her music down and opened the hatch- "Yeah? What's up squirt?" 

"What are you doing?" 


"Can I see?" 

Stellia sent the ladder down for her. Omega clambered up and situated herself on the bed beside Stellia. She watched curiously as Stellia carefully painted the walls.

"What are you painting?" 

"Not sure, I'm just letting the brush fly I guess." 

Omega continued to watch curiously. Eventually they heard Hunter call out from below.

"Stellia? Omega? You two alright up there?" 

"Yep! I'm watching Stellia paint!" 

"Sounds fun. Is there room for one more up there?" 

"Maybe, it'll be cramped though." Stellia observed- "Hold on- hey squirt, come here." she signaled for Omega to come sit on her lap.

"Is that okay?" Omega asked, knowing that Stellia wasn't normally very into physical affection of that degree.

Stellia nodded. Omega situated herself, and Hunter climbed up the ladder. His eyebrows raised and he smiled slightly at the sight of Omega and Stellia. Omega sent a wide smile at Hunter, and Stellia raised her eyebrows back at him. 

"So, what are you painting then?" Hunter sat down, his right side brushing up against Stellia, causing her face to redden, to which she shoved the feeling down as per usual. 

"She's letting the brush fly!" Omega replied. 

"Hmm, sounds relaxing." Hunter commented. 

Stellia continued to paint away, with Omega still situated in her lap. Eventually Omega's eyes began to flutter sleepily. Hunter too began to grow tired. Stellia noticed Omega drifting off and elbowed Hunter lightly.

"Hey, you think you could budge over a bit? I'm gonna take the kid to her bed." She whispered carefully.

Hunter hummed in acknowledgement. He climbed down and watched as Stellia carefully carried Omega down the ladder and to her bed. He could hear Stellia quietly humming a tune to the girl. His heart fluttered at the sight of the pair; Stellia, the battle hardened ex-bounty hunter, singing this child to sleep as she carried her to bed. 

Stellia laid Omega down, stroking her head gently before heading back over to Hunter at the ladder.

"You alright? You look tired too." she asked him.

Hunter shook his head slightly- "I'm fine, really." 

Stellia raised an eyebrow at the Sergeant- "Are you just saying that because you want to avoid having to sleep on your bunk?" 

She'd caught him there- those bunks were like concrete. Hunter would never admit it, but he hated the bunks. They hurt his back, and he found the sheets to be an itchy, scratchy hell on his hypersensitive skin. 

"You can take my bed if you want." Stellia offered.

"Don't you have to use it?" 

"I'll live. I'm not that tired anyway, I'll just keep painting for a bit."

Hunter considered the offer- "Alright, but if I'm getting in the way you have to tell me." 

The pair climbed up the ladder and settled in. Hunter sighed contentedly as he sunk into a peaceful rest. At some point he became aware of a body beside him, but found himself too tired to think about it too hard.


Hunter woke up to find his face mere inches from Stellia's calmly sleeping one. In any other situation he would've shot upright immediately, but he was cautious not to wake her. He then became astutely aware of an arm draped over his waist. 

For the first time in possibly his entire life, Hunter was completely panicked. He could feel his heart thudding in his chest. He so desperately wanted to enjoy the situation he'd found himself in, but he knew that Stellia would no doubt be uncomfortable with it. 

He thought back to that night at Lenora and Rex's when he'd overheard her freaking out at the mention of there being something between the pair. Ever since then he'd been deathly careful not to make any sort of an advance on her. 

But then Hunter found himself considering how he'd gotten into the situation. Stellia had to have chosen to get into the bed with him, right? Otherwise how had this happened? 

It was then that Stellia moved slightly, Hunter froze. She slowly moved her arm from his waist to his chest, then buried her face comfortably under his chin. She mumbled something that any normal person wouldn't have caught.

But Hunter did.

And he would remember it for the rest of his days. 

Stellia continued to sleepily mumble, a small smile appearing on her face- "Mmf. Hun...ter..." 


Stellia awoke feeling more well rested than she had in a long time, but somehow rather empty, but she couldn't place her finger on why. She clambered down the ladder, rubbing her eyes sleepily. 

"Morning Stell." Echo called from one of the computers.

"Morning." she grumbled in response.

She noticed that Hunter seemed completely transfixed with the computer, and had not greeted her. Echo was looking at him knowingly. 

"Did I... miss something...?" Stellia looked between the pair. 

"I don't know, do you remember anything from last night?" Echo grinned wickedly.

"I dunno, I was up painting pretty late. I was so tired I didn't even remember to take my armor off." Stellia observed. 

Echo shrugged and turned back to his work. Stellia walked over, leaning on the back of Hunter's chair. 

"You good? Sleep well?" she asked.

Hunter coughed a little- "Yeah. Yeah I did." 

"Good." Stellia smiled.

She then ruffled his hair, to which he rolled his eyes, and then she headed to the cockpit to inspect things.

Hunter could feel his heart thumping in his chest.

Little did he know Stellia's heart was doing leaps and bounds as she thought a little harder about the events of last night- wondering if it had been a dream or not.


Ugh I'm actually such a sucker for fluff sorry guys there's gonna be so much more throughout this book. Remember to vote and comment, peace and love <3

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