Driving Anxiety (2012 Donnie x GN! Reader)

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You hated driving.

Well, actually, you only hated when someone else was driving. You loved riding in cars as a kid, and you still did as long as they were going slow or you were the one driving, but you hated when other people drove the vehicle too fast, or weren't paying attention to the road. It gave you the worst feeling when you were watching the road more than the driver and they would nearly crash. It made your heart beat out of your chest and your lungs seize up.

You never told Donnie, and part of you felt bad about it, you didn't like keeping things from him, but you didn't want to seem irrational or sensitive, so you just never told him.

Now, you never had to worry about Donnie driving too fast. He always paid close attention and drove the speed limit. He and Leo both did, except when they were on missions, but you never rode with them for that. Mikey was never allowed to drive, Sensei would put Leo in the ground if he let him, so you all were spared from that catastrophe in the making.

No, they were all fine. It was Raph that worried you.

Constantly looking over his shoulder, not watching the road, talking with Mikey and Leo, he never paid attention, and in turn, usually didn't go the speed limit. Once, he ran a red light and you thought for sure you all were going to die.

You hated when he drove, and tried your best to avoid riding in the vehicle when he had to drive. One day, though, you couldn't avoid it.

You and the boys had been riding around in the Shell-Raiser when April and Casey called them about a problem going on with Tigerclaw a few blocks away. The five of you had made your way there and you were left in the Shell-Raiser while the boys went to take care of it.

Half an hour later, they came back, all visibly tired, Leo supporting Donnie as he limped back to the car.

You opened the door and they filed in, Mikey following the two and Raph hopping in the front seat.

"What happened, guys?" You asked.

"Tigerclaw threw me into a wall." Donnie was lowered onto the floor, and he hissed in pain. You scooted closer and grabbed his hand.

"Come on, Raph." Leo urged him. "We gotta get Donnie back to the lab.

"Yeah, yeah, I got it." He scowled back at Leo and started the car, throwing it in drive and peeling out of the alleyway. You were jolted back against the wall and your eyes widened in surprise.

You weren't sure why Raph was chosen to drive. Between him and Leo, Leo was definitely the more responsible driver, but you didn't ask. You figured he had a good reason. Raph was freaking you out, though.

He had never driven this fast before, not even when Mikey asked. There was no reason for it, either. Donnie wasn't in critical condition or anything, he was just driving fast to drive fast.

The car flew over a pothole and you bounced against the floor, Donnie gritting his teeth as his leg was jolted. You could feel your breathing start to pick up and you closed your eyes, leaning your head against the wall.

Closing your eyes didn't help. You could feel the vibrations of the wheels against the ground, and could feel when the car made a sharp turn or went over a pothole.

When Raph took another turn sharp enough to kill a small child if he were to collide with one, you fell against Donnie's shoulder, and he righted you before noticing your distressed state.

"Hey. Y/N, what's wrong?" You shook your head, and he frowned.

He angled you towards him and held both your hands in his. "Sweetheart, what's wrong? You look scared."

You swallowed hard and answered, voice barely above a whisper. "Raph's driving."

Donnie's brows furrowed. "And that scares you?"

You nodded, tears filling your closed eyes when Raph took another turn and you heard a car screeching to avoid hitting you.

Donnie instantly pulled you closer to him, wrapping his arms around you and laying your head on his shoulder, trying to comfort you while his hothead brother was apparently trying his hardest to beat the world record for how many sharp turns could be taken in under a minute.

He whispered to you, "It's okay, Y/N, just breathe." Before he looked up and spoke to his brothers, louder, "Raph, pull over. Leo, you drive."

Leo looked at him, perplexed. He saw you curled up next to him, shaking, and his confusion doubled.

"What? Why?" Raph barked, still driving like a madman.

"Because you're scaring Y/N with your driving. It's scaring them, you need to pull over."

He turned back to look at you, and his eyes softened slightly. He obeyed this time, pulling off on the sidewalk and slowing to a stop. Leo quickly took over and started driving again, much slower than his brother had.

Raph came and sat next to you, feeling guilty. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I didn't mean to scare ya."

You sniffed and looked up, meeting his eyes. Your eyes were glossy with tears, and suddenly Raph felt much more guilty.

"It's okay, Raph." You hugged Donnie closer, holding his hand. "You didn't know."

"Why didn't you tell us? Tell me?" Donnie drew your attention, and he didn't look mad, he looked worried.

"I know, I'm sorry, I should've told you guys." You sighed. "I was just worried you would think I was weak, or it was irrational."

Donnie chuckled. "Y/N, have you met us? We all have irrational fears. Raph is scared of bugs-"


"-Mikey's scared of Squirrel-anoids-"

"They're mad scary, bro!"

"-and Leo..." He paused. "Well, maybe not Leo, but the rest of us have irrational fears. Yours isn't, but even if it was, we wouldn't make fun of you for it."

He pulled you closer, and Raph joined the hug, making you smile. Mikey hopped onto the floor and wrapping his arms around the three of you, giggling.

"Hey, can we save the family hugs until I can join them?" Leo called from the front, making the three of you laugh.

It was a smooth ride home after that. And you felt safe.


Wrote this based off my own experiences with driving. Hope you guys liked it! Comment, request, vote, and I'll see you when I see you! 🐢

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