Confession (2012 Leo x Female! Reader)

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You had a crush on a turtle.

The turtle in blue, to be exact. Mr. Fearless Leader himself, Leonardo Hamato. You had met his brother Donnie at the junkyard one day when you were searching for a part for your motorcycle, and he decided you were chill enough to take back to the lair to meet the rest of them.

You knew from the moment you'd laid eyes on Leo that he was the one you wanted to spend your life with. Or at least the one you wanted to spend the foreseeable future with.

He was just so dorky and cute. The way he led missions, the way he got excited when he watched Space Heroes, even the way his face would scrunch up right before he started yelling at Raph.

You had fallen head over heels, and you knew nothing was going to change that. But you were scared. Actually, terrified was more like it. You didn't think someone like Leo would ever like you, whether he was a turtle or not. No human had ever taken an interest in you, why should Leo?

In fact, it didn't seem like he even thought of you as a friend. Every time you came to the lair to see everyone, he always made an excuse to leave, or if he couldn't, he'd refuse to make eye contact with you. He seemed to hate you, and you couldn't figure out why. You hadn't given him any reason to dislike you, you had been nothing but kind to him and his brothers since you met them.

But you guessed some people needed no reason to dislike others. Raph certainly seemed to need no reason to distrust and dislike any other humans he met, at least at first. Come to think of it, the only humans any of the turtles seemed to trust other than you were Casey and April. Maybe it was just a trust thing. So many humans couldn't stand the sight of them that they had a built-in distrust for any humans they met.

You perked up. That was it! You just had to be kinder and more open to Leo. Maybe then he'd see that he didn't have to stay away from you.

"Yo, dude, you ready?" You jumped as you heard Casey's voice pop up beside you, looking up to see him leaning on the locker next to yours. You focused back on what you were doing, which was packing your bag to leave school.

You, April and Casey were headed down to the lair to stay with the turtles for the night. The three of you had just finished school for the year and desperately needed a break. You were all going to watch tons of movies and eat tons of junk food. You were excited, until you started thinking of how Leo would react. This would be the first time you had stayed longer than a few hours, and you were nervous.

You felt another person near you and looked up again. This time it was April, leaning against Casey's arm. He shot her a look and raised his eyebrow, and she stuck her tongue out at him before turning back to look at you.

"What's up, Y/N? You seem a bit spaced out."

"Ha! More like a lot spaced out." Casey added, chuckling. April elbowed him lightly and waited for your answer.

"Nothing, really. Just nervous for the sleepover tonight." You finished packing your bag and slung it over your shoulder, heading for the door with the other two on either side of you.

"Why? You've been there for hours before, what's the difference now?" April had a confused look on her face, and you didn't blame her. It really wasn't different at all, you were just needlessly overthinking the situation.

You shrugged. "I don't know, I've just never stayed the night there before, and I don't know what's gonna happen, and Leo doesn't seem to like me at all-"

"Oohhh, so this is about Leo, then." Casey leaned against you and smirked in your face, obviously gearing up to tease you mercilessly.

You pushed his face away with your hand, rolling your eyes. "No! It's not just Leo..." You trailed off as you thought about it a bit more.

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