Hurting Hearts (2012 Donnie x Reader)

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Walking through the tunnels of the sewers, I think back to the text I got from Leo ten minutes ago.

Hey, can you come over? It's about Donnie.

So now I was making my way to the lair, mild worry washing over me. My boyfriend was known to get himself into trouble from time to time, either while on patrol, or in his lab.

I step through the entrance and Leo meets me there, already talking.

"Hey Y/N, thanks for coming." He starts walking to the lab door, face full of not worry, but annoyance.

Why isn't he worried? What's going on?

"Yeah, sure. What's going on with Donnie?"

He huffs. "He hasn't left the lab in three days, not even for missions. We haven't gotten anywhere on the hunt for Shredder because Donnie hadn't been there to track him."

Ah, so that's why he's annoyed. Donnie isn't there to help on missions.

Sounds about right. All he's thought of lately is missions.

I nod and go to the door. "I'll see what's going on."

I open the door and see Donnie hunched over his workbench, bottles of chemicals scattered everywhere and his computer open in front of him. I spotted four empty coffee cups next to the computer, no doubt the product of Donnie pulling an all-nighter or two. I stand there for a moment before speaking. "Donnie?"

He responds, hands no leaving the keyboard. "Hey, Y/N."

There's a wavering in his voice I don't like. He sounds upset. I move closer and see what's on his computer. Mutagen antidote solutions. Obviously he's been trying to help return Karai to human form.

I sigh, folding my arms. "Donnie, what's going on? Leo told me you haven't left the lab in three days, not even for missions."

He scoffs, though his voice sounds shaky. "Of course the missions are all he cares about."

My eyes widen in shock. I've never heard Donnie sound that bitter toward his older brother. I reach forward to turn him around, but he shakes my hand off.

"Donnie?" I step into his line of view. "What's going on?"

He breathes in, deeply, like he's trying to control his emotions, and swivels his chair to face me. My face drops.

His eyes are glossy and bloodshot, cheeks stained with tears already shed. His hands are shaking with sleep deprivation, and his gaze seems unfocused and weary. My eyes widen with how distraught he looks. He looks exhausted.

"I've been trying for days to find an antidote for Karai, and Leo came in a few days ago with Raph and they started yelling at me." His voice cracks at the end, and his eyes are downcast, full of sadness.

"They said I needed to get the antidote done or Karai would never be rescued. I-I told them I was doing all I could, but Leo said I needed to try h-harder."

My eyes harden, full of sadness for Donnie and full of anger on his behalf. How dare they talk to him like that, knowing he was trying?

"Raph s-said I needed to s-stop being lazy and get it d-done, and they left." He finished, wrapping his arms around himself, as if trying to comfort himself.

   He sniffled and buried his head in his arms. "I'm just so tired, Y/N."

My heart hurt for this poor boy. He was doing all he could do to help save Karai, and what did he get for it? A lecture to try harder. I stepped closer to him and silently opened my arms. He glanced up at me, and the pain in his eyes nearly broke me. He stood and all but fell into my arms, and I slowly guided us both to the floor.

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