I walk towards to the reception, remembering with a few exceptions that no one will speak unless spoken to. I look around first, and it hurts even more now, nothing has changed. Absolutely nothing. They still have the same moon clock, the same ink company sponsored and floating with loaned magic on their desk, toppled on top of each other like a pyramid. But it's the chair they put me in when I kept crying, the chair they put me to sleep in that does it. I didn't wake for 5 days, but when I did, I was alone.

I try to shake it, the thought and the memories, but my breathing changes and I feel this pressure on my chest. I'm convinced I will lose consciousness, convinced that I will fall to the floor and won't wake for 5 days again, but I don't. I try my best to take control of my breathing, but while I do so, the memories flood me, making anger rumble in my veins.

"Dad, I don't want to go!"

A small push in my back.

"You have to, darling. I can't take care of you right now, not with all the commotion."

I turn on my heels, spinning around so fast that an arrow flies right by my head. I don't gasp, the threats have been so common that all I can do now is keep myself alert at all times.

"But I don't want to leave you!" I cry out. "Please don't make me! You know I never meant to!"

"Darling," My father spits out through gritted teeth. "If you ever want a chance ever again, then listen to daddy, okay? You need to be out of sight so you can be out of mind. It won't be for long, a mere week and then dad will come back for you, when everyone will have forgotten you and what happened. I just need you to be safe right now, and here, with me, you aren't."

He looked at me the way he'd look at those who worked for him, believed in him, he looked at me like that was all I was, as if I wasn't his daughter. Like I was just another subject of his that needed convincing.

"Promise me."

I guess I should've known that they wouldn't just forget about me, I should've known that they needed not a mere week, they needed a lifetime. What I had done would be engraved and embedded in their memories until the day they too, died.

People had begun to get aggressive and impatient. 'Get rid of that sick monster!', one yelled, 'Yes! You wanna infect and kill all of us!', another added. Then a woman popped up with her tail in her hand. 'Save us! Don't let her free after what she'd done! Don't let more of us die for her freedom!'.

My father turned his head, a smile plastered on it to reassure the people watching us. And when he turned back to me, he let his guard down for a moment and showed me how he really felt. I guess it was that moment that I couldn't pretend anymore. He was desperate, his eyes were desperate, he was sweating, nervous, on the brink of either breaking down or just throwing me off. And I think that in that moment I wouldn't have mind if he did, I realized how much pressure there was on him right then, I realized what was at stake ... I just wished he'd chosen me.

Though he did care enough for me to put a spell on the bottom of the cliff and to tell me, to make sure I knew I wasn't going to be harmed, that it'd catch me and that he paid some people off to bring me to the Hidden Village Home for the time being.

"I promise."

A small smile appeared when I nodded. Then he pushed me off. Though I don't remember what expression he wore when he pushed me off, I remembered what it felt like to fall from such a high place, what it felt like to be taken by strangers, away from my father, away from the Kingdom that once would be mine.

"Room for a singular moon." I hide my face, not more than before, but enough for the creature behind the desk to notice she was no longer alone.

They are servants, my father once told me, so treat them as such.

No eye contact, I remember that as well, if they don't see, they don't know. This village home is meant to be solely for those who want to hide. It's build with an special invisibility cloak that can only become visible for those who intent to hide, anyone else cannot see it.

The person handed me a key without looking and then blackened the window he slipped it through. I hide my face once again, not ready to relax yet. I look at the number and begin walking up the stairs.

The door is opened and before I can close it, someone appears out of thin air.

"Can I help you with anything." His voice is distorted and his eyes completely white, no pupils to be found, only a mouth and 2 sagging ears, eyebrows sharp and his face so hollow I could swear he was dead.

His eyes scared me, so did his sharp teeth. I didn't let that show on my face though, this is how they look in Anakia, I lived with that before, I can do it again.

"Some food would be nice."

He bows and leaves, so now I can finally put my bag down. I jump on the bed in the middle of the room, it's not soft, but it could get comfortable enough if I get used to it. I take my cloak off and sigh deeply before unpacking my bag. Books fall out of it, orbs and potions, ingredients and tools, everything I took with me before I was pushed through that portal, everything I'll need to make it here.

A knock on the door.

I opened it to see the boy from before. His hands behold magic, most likely loaned from the owner judging by his ragged and ripped clothes, letting all the food float stably in the air. He lets the food pour into the room, towards the dining table placed in a kitchen I hadn't yet seen.

"Anything else I could do for you?"

I think for a moment and tell him to wait until I come back.

"I am at your service, and your service alone." He speaks even though I nod and close the door. I begin fumbling through everything I let spill out my bag and onto the bed, searching for something in particular.

I breathe out in relief the moment I find it. It's crumpled up, but it should do.

I grabbed my pouch with gold coins given by my mother and whatever I had left from that day many years ago when my father rushed into my room, ready with a bag and little to no explanation except for the plan he concocted.

"Could you run a few errands for me?" I ask, unsure if the boy is even allowed to leave the premises.

"One moment." He says in a monotone voice.

He vanishes and appears after a single second.

"I can."

I nod and handed him the paper and 3 golden coins. "Go to market and get me everything on this list please. That should be enough gold ..." I hesitate. "But if you need more, just come back and I'll hand you it."

"Anything else I could do for you." The boy says with no change of expression.

"No. Just be back before sundown." I close the door, pick up one of the many books on magic, and begin catching up on all I've missed these years while I eat.

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-Love, me :)

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