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As every night, Ganymede found himself unable to find solace in sleep. Restless, he ventured once again to the moonlit garden, the same place he had visited the previous night. Emerging from his chamber, he seemed to momentarily forget about the golden lion stationed by his door, his mind preoccupied with a yearning for peace.

Under the silvery glow of the moon, Ganymede walked among the paths until he found a secluded spot nestled among the whispering grass. The garden seemed to embrace him, offering a quiet refuge under the luminous night sky.

As he settled into a comfortable spot, a soft sigh escaped his lips, and then, without preamble, his voice rang out-a haunting melody that echoed through the tranquil garden The notes were pure and melancholic, carrying a depth of emotion that stirred the very air around him.

The moon itself seemed to pause in its ascent, as if drawn by the ethereal sound. Unbeknownst to Ganymede, Artemis, the goddess of the moon and hunt, awaited his performance, her divine presence adding an unseen weight to the atmosphere.

The soggy darkness
climbed down
Even if we shake our heads,
it's always the same place
I can't reach you,
so I imagine alone
You who shine,
I stand next to you
So black, black as it can be
The dark sea gets deeper as you approach
Like a black,
black sorrow
A story of such woe
At the end of this story,
there is only a cold spot
Stained with blood and empty air.
Where your eyes reach
Where your fingertips brush
Waiting for you endlessly.
Turn the red light hourglass
Inside the black darkness.
With you for a long time
So black, black as it can be
The dark sea gets deeper as you approach
Like a black, black sorrow
A story of such woe
At the end of this story
There is only a cold spot stained with blood and such
Black, black sorrow
And you,
You are always there for me
Black sorrow,
To me, you are
Black sorrow
To me, you are
Black sorrow

[round 3 : alian stage ❣️❤️‍🔥❤️💥💫✨️]

Lost in the depths of his song, Ganymede's voice wove through the night, a testament to the hidden pain and longing that dwelled within him. Each note was a testament to his inner turmoil, a melody of sorrow and beauty that transcended mortal understanding.

In the tranquil garden, bathed in moonlight and wrapped in the embrace of nature, Ganymede sang as if pouring his soul into the night, unaware of the unseen audience that awaited him-a goddess moved by his music, and perhaps, by the enigma of the prince who dared to bare his heart beneath the stars.

As Artemis listened to Ganymede's melancholic song, a tear traced her cheek, moved by the profound sorrow conveyed in the lyrics. Her heart swelled with empathy, and she silently pondered the source of Ganymede's pain."Who hurt you to such a degree?" Artemis wondered, her thoughts clouded by concern for the mortal prince.However, she resisted the urge to intervene, knowing that her brother Apollo would soon join her to witness the performance. Artemis planned to boast about her unexpected devotee, unaware of the tumultuous emotions stirring within Apollo.When Apollo arrived, his expression was a whirlwind of conflicting feelings-eagerness, passion, sadness, and a hint of jealousy. Artemis was taken aback by her brother's intense reaction, sensing his desire to claim Ganymede for himself, perhaps even adding him to his famed seven muses.Apollo couldn't comprehend how his sister, whose domain encompassed the moon, hunt, and virginity, had captivated such a devoted follower. Ganymede's voice and emotions seemed to ensnare Apollo's heart, tempting him to possess this mortal for his own creative inspiration.Despite his inner turmoil, Apollo masked his emotions in Artemis's presence, concealing his true intentions and desires. He resolved to control himself, at least until he could claim Ganymede's admiration without revealing his jealousy to his sister.

The golden lion, really Zeus in disguise, stood silently by the entrance of the garden, his eyes closed as he immersed himself in Ganymede's haunting song. The melancholic melody seemed to stir something within him, resonating with the depths of emotion that Ganymede had poured into his performance.As the song came to an end, the lion opened his eyes and scanned the tranquil garden, seeking out the source of the captivating voice. To his gentle surprise, he found Ganymede peacefully asleep among the soft grass, his features relaxed in slumber.Moved by an unexpected surge of tenderness, the lion approached Ganymede and carefully draped his large body over the sleeping prince, creating a warm, protective shelter. With a deep sigh, the lion settled beside Ganymede, embracing him in silent companionship.Underneath the moonlit sky, the lion and the sleeping prince shared a quiet moment, the lion's presence offering an unspoken comfort to Ganymede's troubled soul.


As Ganymede's voice reached the ears of the three sneaking maids, Calista's eager nod confirmed to her friends that she hadn't been deceiving them. Clio and Lo, sitting beside the window near the garden, finally understood the profound impact of Ganymede's performance under the moonlit night.

As the song came to an end and they spotted Ganymede peacefully sleeping on the grass, the maids rushed over to cover him with blankets, intending to offer comfort. However, their well-meaning gesture was met with the unexpected presence of the lion-Zeus in disguise-lying protectively over Ganymede.

The lion's glaring gaze halted the maids in their tracks, warning them not to approach further. Fearful of provoking the majestic creature, Clio and Lo quickly retreated to their rooms, casting anxious glances back at the lion to ensure they weren't being pursued.

In their excitement to care for Ganymede, the maids encountered an unexpected guardian in the form of the lion, whose watchful presence guarded the sleeping prince. Unaware of the lion's true identity, they could only speculate about the enigmatic pet that seemed to protect Ganymede with fierce devotion.

The Cosmic Gambit: Ganymede's OdysseyWhere stories live. Discover now