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'argh, my head is killing me. what happened anyway , ah yes, those losers got coupt in the act .
wait, you know what? I'm the loser for helping in the first place .Why would I help them? I had wine my cigarettes. I even had vedio games in my compartment. tsk
where the fuck am I anyway?'
as he lifted his head and observed his surroundings, 002 could only stare in wonder ' did I get reborn  again !? oh hell naw ! I ain't doing this shit again.  on a side note, this is quite an elegant and beautiful room. it fits my majestic self indeed. '
as if in cue terrible headache attacked him , a storm of memories ravaged his brain if wanting to replace his old memories with new ones but failing to do so .
ARGHGGGGGHHHHHHH! oh my fufing God, what the ....
so my name  in this life is Ganymede, a 16 year old torjan prince of the kingdom of Troy. his mother and sister are killed in front of him , poor boy* sniff* , just kidding!, i saw death way too much to get affected by this shi.  anyway, back to the topic , he has a father, the king ,obviously , hmmm, and he has ALOT of half-brothers and half-sisters, but he's the original heir.sweet, at least in this life I will live the life of a king AS I SHOULD ✨️.
.....Troy......torjan......even the name Ganymede seems somewhat familiar, I don't know why?...really, I can't put my finger on it exactly. probably from my first life . *smack forehead*must be that MY kingdom flourished and became a country in the future. yes, yes, that's it !
alright, other than that , according to the memories, this kingdom believes in the Greek gods ,specifically appolo the god of light and his twin sister Artemis goddess of the moon and hunt , how degenerate of them, really , *eye roll* if they were real they wouldn't let what happened in the future happened so they must not have  existed ,that is if I am still in the same universe as my two  previous lives........ nahh, they must be the product of some delusional poet or something. 
as Ganymede got out of his big bed and walked to a bathtub to clean himself he was surprised, yet again by his reflection on the water .

He stands with an air of quiet elegance, his physique slender yet possessing a subtle strength beneath his graceful movements. His features are finely sculpted, with a softly angular jawline and high cheekbones that give him a distinctly refined appearance.His hair, like a cascade of midnight, falls in loose waves that frame his face, occasionally swept back by a gentle breeze. Its deep darkness contrasts beautifully against his fair complexion, which seems almost luminous in its paleness.But it's his eyes that draw immediate attention—large and expressive, they're a mesmerizing shade of purple tinged with hints of lavender. They seem to reflect light in a way that gives them an otherworldly glow, adding to the enigmatic allure of his presence.Dressed simply yet impeccably, he exudes a quiet confidence that speaks of both introspection and hidden depths. There's a poetic quality to his appearance, as if he embodies a fusion of strength and vulnerability, mystery and beauty.
As Ganymede strode out of his room after washing up, the palace maids couldn't help but notice his striking appearance. His figure and face were the epitome of beauty, drawing admiring glances and causing whispers to trail in his wake. However, unlike before, there was a noticeable change in Ganymede's demeanor.

Once innocent and approachable, the prince now exuded a palpable coldness, especially evident in his violet, indifferent eyes and manner of speech. There was an air of authority and detachment about him that left little room for objection from anyone.

As time went on, Ganymede became known as a cold beauty, unapproachable and untouchable by anyone around him. This newfound aloofness seemed to push people away, except for one particular observer who took keen interest in the young mortal—the king of Olympus himself, Zeus.

Zeus, the powerful and enigmatic ruler of the gods, watched Ganymede with a curiosity that extended beyond mere admiration. There was something about this mortal prince that intrigued him deeply, stirring emotions and desires that were uncommon for a deity. Perhaps it was the allure of Ganymede's beauty paired with the mystery of his newfound demeanor that drew Zeus's attention, setting into motion a series of events that would forever alter the course of their fates.



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The Cosmic Gambit: Ganymede's OdysseyWhere stories live. Discover now