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As every night passed, Ganymede—formerly known as 002—awoke from fitful slumber, haunted by relentless nightmares. This had become a routine occurrence in his new life as Ganymede, the Trojan prince. The guilt of his past life gnawed at him, manifesting in vivid dreams where he witnessed the suffering and demise of his friends, helpless and unable to intervene.

In the depths of the night, as Ganymede closed his eyes, the familiar whispers echoed in his mind like sinister taunts. "It's your fault," they hissed accusingly. "Help us, 002!" cried desperate voices that he recognized as his once dear companions. And then, there were chilling, mocking laughs—voices of those who had betrayed them, now haunting him in the shadows of his subconscious.

Gasping for breath, beads of sweat dotted Ganymede's pale forehead as he jolted awake, heart racing. The weight of guilt and regret bore down on him, leaving him restless and weary, yearning for respite from the torment of his memories.

Each night, as the moon traced its arc across the starlit sky, Ganymede found himself ensnared in this cycle of haunting dreams, grappling with the ghosts of his past. Yet amidst the darkness, a glimmer of determination flickered within him—a silent vow to seek redemption, to forge a new path untainted by the shadows of his former self.

As Ganymede walked through the empty hallways of the palace, his eyes betrayed the pain and weariness that burdened his soul, their violet hue reflecting depths of sorrow. Somehow, his feet guided him to the palace garden, bathed in the ethereal glow of moonlight. The serenity of the garden offered a brief reprieve from the relentless whispers haunting his mind.

Strolling along the ivy-covered walls, Ganymede's gaze fell upon a delicate kilma plant clinging to the stone. Its vibrant green leaves stirred a memory—a song from his past, sung by a childhood friend on a stage during a singing competition. The memory was bittersweet, tinged with the grim reality of their world.

In that competition, the stakes had been life and death—each round claimed a loser, destined for a tragic end. The survivors sang on, their voices a haunting melody of triumph mingled with the echoes of loss. Ganymede had lost many friends to that ruthless stage, their voices silenced forever by a cruel fate.

A wave of melancholy washed over Ganymede as he traced the contours of the kilma plant with trembling fingers. He felt the weight of survivor's guilt pressing down on him, a heavy burden he couldn't shake. The garden, with its tranquil beauty under the moon's gentle gaze, served as a poignant backdrop to his memories of those lost to the ruthless competition.

Amidst the soft rustle of leaves and the faint fragrance of flowers, Ganymede stood in quiet contemplation. The garden, once a refuge from the palace's oppressive silence, now bore witness to his silent struggle against the ghosts of his past.

As Ganymede stood amidst the moonlit garden, his voice broke the silence, resonating with a haunting beauty that filled the air. He had always possessed a great voice for singing—a talent honed in the crucible of competition and loss.With a deep breath, Ganymede began to sing—the melody of the song echoing softly through the stillness, carrying the weight of his emotions. Each note was a tribute, a farewell to his fallen friend and all those who had met their end on that merciless stage.His voice, rich with emotion, wove through the garden, intertwining with the whispering breeze. The kilma plant swayed gently in response, as if acknowledging the sorrowful serenade. Memories flooded Ganymede's mind—the laughter, the camaraderie, the shared dreams now shattered by cruel fate.

Oh my Clematis
Hope bloomed from the abyss
Oh my Clematis
always be by my side

You bloomed from
the huge black wall
The galactic starlight
in your eyes spread out
In the endless darkness
I find you with your scent
even if I sleep in infinity,
don't leave my universe

Oh my Clematis
Hope bloomed from the abyss
Oh my Clematis
always be by my side

The Cosmic Gambit: Ganymede's OdysseyWhere stories live. Discover now