Chapter 4

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"Trust me, when you haven't eaten in 7-8 years her food actually tastes good" Luma said as she found a seat in the dining room, the table was made of oak wood and the chairs were mahogany brown with white cushions. "Do you want to be left out there with no one?" Rynn said angrily, "No, but I am simply stating the truth" luma said challengingly as she got herself situated on her chair which was evidently taller than the others but had steps beside it so Luma could get up, Amoura assumed. "I could go for a glass of water if you have a moment," Spencer said. Spencer, don't leave me yet, I still need you... " hey Amoura, come sit beside me" Spencer said happily. A slight blush crept up as Amoura walked over and pulled out a chair, as Amoura climbed up onto the seat Rynn came into the room with a glass of water in one hand and a basket of clothes in the other. Spencer tipped his head and Luma put out one hand to make sure there was no glass for her. "Your clothes are a little dirty, do you want some clean clothes, or a bath?" Rynn asked. "A new outfit would be nice" Amoura said sheepishly. "Here" said as she put the basket of clothes on the floor "the bathroom is down the hall to the left". Amoura hopped off the chair and grabbed the basket full of clothes from the floor and then slowly stumbled and waddled down the hall, BANG! "AMOURA!?" Spencer yelled,"are you ok?". Amoura looked up to see Spencer already sitting beside her with an outstretched hand to help. "Oh I'm fine, just fell for you that's all" Amoura said jokingly, "HA! You have a habit of falling for everyone". No.. just for you Spencer put all of the clothes back in the basket then gave it to Amoura. Amoura felt the basket get lighter and saw as they poked their head around the basket, Spencer was holding the other end of the basket and gave Amoura a 'happy to help' smile. The bathroom door was now just a step away, light cream white wood made the door and the walls were a light gray with empty shelves and paintings of black shadows and white splotches, "thank you... for the" Amoura said with a slight blush appearing on her face. "No prob" Spencer said cheerfully, Amoura gently put the basket of laundry on the floor of the bathroom and got up on the counter to reach for the light switch. Bright white lights illuminated the room and Amoura hoped down with a thud. Amoura's tan hands pushed the white-ish cream colored door closed. "So, what was life in the circus like?" Luma asked Spencer, "Eh, you performed, slept and that was really it...but seeing Amoura was always a bonus for me" Spencer said looking down at the table hiding a blush. "Soooooo...what do you think of Amoura?" Luma said in a weird tone that Spencer was unfamiliar with, "well, I think that she's kind and pretty and is good at speaking her mind, except when she...uh ....umm" Spencer trailed off.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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