chapter 3

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"Look, Look, Look!" Said a little boy. "SHHHHH" said another boy. "This is the HauNtEd HoUsE" said the second boy. More giggles and shushes erupted and Nadia looked out the small window overlooking the bush the boys hid behind. Nadia let out a sigh and stepped towards the door and paused with her hand hovering over the door knob. The first boy walked out with his hands low, his brown hair was buzz cut and blue eyes were darting back and forth looking around. The second boy had blonde hair and brown eyes that looked worried and had his freckled hands pulling the bush up to hide most of his face, while the third had red hair with brown eyes and his hands were up and ready to go fist to fist. Although that wouldn't do much against her...Wait. What am I thinking? Fighting a child... "Should I open the door?" Said the first boy Turning his head ever so slightly but kept his eyes locked on the door. "Obvi!" said the third boy, Luma shifted and knocked something over but Amura couldn't see thanks to how dark it was. Nadia grabbed the door knob in the blink of an eye and opened the door, pouring light on all of the four of them and a scared gasp came from the boys. "What do you want" said Nadia in a stern tone that from what she knew was not normal for Nadia. "Well... w-what are you doing here?" said the third boy clenching his fists titer. "Go back home" Nadia said ignoring him, "where are your parents?" "Why do you care you old creep?!" shouted the first boy. "You should not have done that!" said the second boy "That's It I'm leaving!" and the second boy got up and stormed away, Nadia made a 'go with him' look but the boys stood their ground. Nadia went out the door and made her way to the edge of the old withered porch and stepped down each step slowly, one by one. "Ruuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnn" said the third boy and ran, flailing his arms around in panic, the first boy stepped back and then made a full turn and then ran. "Wow, Nadia. You are not actually that scary" Luma said in a flat tone, "Should I feel safe or thetend?" Spencer asked in a cheerful tone. "Safe" luma said in an odd tone and Spencer's smile vanished and a slight blush appeared. What is this heavy feeling in my stomach... is this jealousy? But...I don't have a crush on Spencer, do I? Amoura looked down and Spencer's arms pulled her into a hug as Nadia came back in and locked the door. Amoura looked up at Spencer's smiling face "I think we're safe here," Spencer said. "Yea...Me to..." Amoura replied "don't worry my sweet, I shall protect you" Spencer said in a mocking tone of their old master. "HA (snort) HA he he he" Amoura lafued. Spencer gave a shy smile then walked towards Nadia, "Are either of you hungry?" Nadia asked. "N-no mis. Nadia...Thank you" Amura said shyly. "Are you sure, I don't mind plus I don't know how long it has been since you last ate" Nadia insisted. 

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