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NOTE: This should be read AFTER the final chapter (80) 

I created a separate chapter because we have a lot of information to get through and the final chapter was already 10.4k words. Just wanna extend my gratitude to everyone. 

Upcoming Books on the Docket: Please read each part twice before asking a question because I may have already brought it up down below and I wanna make sure you get answers to your questions. I am providing you the name of the book, a summary of the book, and the expected release of the book. 

*ALL Books are a thriller/ suspense Zatima book. Same concepts of TCL except different plots. 

1. After The Cookies (TCL 2 Sequel) Title name came from arii146

The Taylor honeymoon is over. Come travel with the family a few years in as they overcome some marital drama. An overly invested stalker has taken an interest in the Taylor's. How does Zac deal with a life-altering injury due to sports? We saw Fatima's drama in the first book where they were able to overcome it, does Zac have it in him to overcome his new reality? Zac is definitely gonna piss everyone off the first half of the book😬
Expected Release: May 2024 (Roughly 30 chapters) 

2. Professor Ellis

A college scandal with the primary target being a professor. Crystal Renee, a Junior at her local HBCU runs a criminal justice podcast, what happens when her roommate goes missing during winter break only to turn up dead? Crystal does a special appearance in lieu of it, hoping someone can help the police solve the case. What happens when all the evidence given to her points to her favorite criminal professor with a sketchy past who she has a sexual relationship with. Evidence comes to light. And toxic love fights. 

Side Note: This will not be those other TeacherxStudent books where they get caught 10 chapters in, this will actually be a realistic book.
Expected Release: Late June/ Early July 2024 (whenever TCL2 is completed) 30-35 chapters

3. Lost & Found 

Currently living in NYC as an advocate for foster care and Criminal Justice, Fatima returns home to her small town in lieu of her parent's death, almost 15 years later to find the closure she still seeks in her early adulthood. What happens when she begins to remember the nights of their murder where she was the eye witness to their murder but couldn't remember anything at the time? What happens when her ex-HS sweetheart returns to the picture as she and her fiancée are set for a wedding date? Who killed her parents, what was the motive, and the killer was someone she did not see from a mile away. Expected Release: Most likely Halloween special, 35-45 chapters.
Side note: Her parents are actually dead as hell in this book🤣 this won't be like TCL where her mother pops up. They both gone. 

I got a few other rough draft books but those won't be released this year.


Leave your thoughts below? Which one are you most excited for? If anyone has any book ideas that you wanna read, but no one has done it, comment below or shoot me a DM, and I'll let my creativity take over👍🏾. I'm excited for all three of these books, but mostly for the second one. Haven't really seen many TeacherXStudent Zatima books. I'll see everyone in May for the sequel! 

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