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| December 24th...Christmas Eve | 

After last night festivities, the Taylor household was sleeping in later than usual, minus Junior who woke up 20 minutes ago but has been watching TV in the middle of Zac and Fatima. Neither knows how he ended up sleeping with in the same bed because they were sure they put him in his room so they could finish being grown ups. 

"Loud ass iPad." Fatima thought to herself. She took one of the free pillows and smacked it on top of her, hoping to minimize the volume. 

Meanwhile Zac was so immuned to the noise, he was knocked out. That or good pussy. The world will never know. 

With it being Christmas Eve, they are gonna stay in and do some bonding since it seems like one, the other or the other other is off running somewhere. 

"Woah." Fatima jumped up scared as Junior had jumped up and sat her on her waking her out of her sleep an instant. 

"Ha ha." He giggled, playing in her hair. 

Ha ha this ass whooping little boy

"Mommy." He began shaking her arm even though she was already looking him dead in the face.  "Yes." 

"I'm hungry." 


"What time is it?" She asked covering her eyes with her forearm and yawning. 


"Sleeping in my ass." She thought to herself. "Okay. Let me get myself together and then we can go downstairs." She got out the bed and did a small routine. Only using the bathroom and putting a robe on. She was gonna wash her face and brush her teeth after eating so it didn't ruin her taste buds. 

"Can you turn that down? You are not that old to where it needs to be on max volume at all hours of the day" She asked Junior as they made their way down the steps. 

"I want ice cream for breakfast." He smiled showing all his teeth. 

"Cute but no." She turned opening the fridge. "How about I make those veggie scramble eggs and then we can add those frozen pancakes to the mix?" 

"Okay." He said running off to the living room. 

Tightening her robe she went over to wash her produce before chopping them up and adding them to the eggs. A simple egg idea containing onions, green bell peppers, red bell peppers, and shredded cheese for the veggie eggs. 

She also threw some left over bacon from yesterday on the stove so that it didn't go to waste. Groceries too expensive to be wasting. 

"Hey beautiful." She felt Zac wrap his arms around her waist and kiss her cheek. 

"Morning handsome, crazy ass is in the living room prolly breaking shit as usual." She chuckled as she turned the stove off. 

"Okay." He said before quickly snatching a piece of bacon. "ZACCCC!" He laughed as he lightly jogged to the living room to explode Junior in kisses. 

She heated up Junior's pancakes adding a little bit of chocolate syrup and some freshly cup strawberries before putting it in his high chair. Meanwhile for her and Zac, she made a small fruit bowl to pair up with the veggie eggs and bacon. 

She walked over to the living room to see them play fighting, somehow Junior had Zac in a choke hold and was beating him up. Fatima just shook her head because it was an every day thing with them two and then he would be asking Fatima to massage his back at night. 

"Alright you two." She walked over to them. "Breakfast is ready and you know you cold food don't taste that great." 

"Yes ma'am." They both uttered as they breathlessly got up and followed her back to the kitchen. 

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