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| December 23rd |

Zac is headed to the mom and pop shop, he got a phone call from one of his friends stating it had gotten shut down due to health code violations, so he is on his way to figure out what the happened. Along with calling down momma Cheryl.

He hopped out of his pickup truck as he saw the big red duct tape plastered along the front doors and windows.

"What the fuck." He mumbled to himself as he made his self into the bakery.

Upon opening the shop doors, it was gut wrenching, it look like someone came in and gutted everything out. Just from standing in the lobby, he saw the cut up ceilings and drywall, a few windows were busted out, the tile looked like it had been ripped off the ground, and now his bakery will need so much work that he really can't afford to invest into right now.

"Oh son! My shop!" Cheryl cried as she made her way from the back.

"What happened? This did not look like this yesterday." He stated as calm as he could be.

"A dude in a suit came and stated it was a random inspection as he had gotten multiple reports of health code violations -

"But we just got it done last month around Thanksgiving and we passed with flying color at that." He stressed as he cut her off. "Sorry, continue."

"Next thing you know he is ripping up my establishment and failing me due to the damages he caused himself." She explained as the tears just kept falling, this was her family legacy, and to see it in this condition so close to Christmas was inexcusable. On top of Papa Louis medical bills, there was no way, she could afford both, although she needed both. Without the bakery, how would she make the money to pay for the medical.

"Calm down." He pulled her into a hug. "So he came here destroyed everything and then failed us due to the damages?" He asked for double confirmation, she nodded her head yes.

"Did you get a name or business card?" He asked her.

She wiped her tears. "No business card but they stated their names was Gary Borders and Hayden Moss."

Zac's jaw clenched. "I have no idea who they are..." He mumbled feeling useless as ever right now. "Do we have CCTV footage? They finna pay for this shit."

"Yes but you know it gets backed up else where, we have to put in a request from the security company, and who know how long that can take." She told him.

Zac pulled out his phone and began tapping swiftly before he looked up. "Here's what Imma do, imma file this police report and speak with my accountant and see what I can do. In the meantime, contact the security company and enjoy your holidays." He kissed her forehead.

"B-but my shop!" She said looking around.

"I know that...but we can't do nothing right now. Imma write a check out to you right now that should cover any missed wages for your employees until we get the insurance check alright?" She nodded her head. "Okay. Give me until the end of business day today, I gotta file the report so that I can show the insurance company, but them motherfuckers are gonna pay for that shit." He stated before he stormed out.

He called his accountant and explained everything to him. "What the fuck do you mean I'm in the hole right now?" Zac screamed into the phone.

"Exactly what I am saying. More money is being spent than what is going into your account."

"How is that possible?! I am barely using my card! Tell me my recent transactions." He sighed as he rubbed the bridge of his nose.

Zac heard a few clicks of a mouse and typing. "Okay let's see here...I see the problem."

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