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*Not proofread*

| Saturday |

It was the following week.

Zac's bye week was officially over which meant he was back at the practice facility, they have a home game. This will be the first home game as a family unit, she has not been to a game since the season opener, she just didn't want all them people around Faith. Rather it's cameras, fans, or kids, it be too much.

Today also being their anniversary.

Fatima woke up this morning to a million balloons over top of her in the ceiling, along with breakfast, followed by some awful singing by Zac. It was a cute moment. Only one gift was exchanged from him to her, that lingerie set he ordered last week. While Fatima had something else planned for their special day, she had been working on this for a few weeks, deciding to take the initiative to do romantic things.

Junior school let out yesterday on a half of day yesterday with Christmas being next weekend, it was currently 4 PM, and they were all in the movie room located in the basement. They were gonna watch one movie and then get ready for later tonight.

"Hey, princess." Zac cooed kissing Faith's neck, a smile and gurgle appearing. That reaction made him continue to do it over and over and over again. Something about a baby smiling and laughing was comforting. Junior was on the floor playing with his action figures while they waited on Fatima, she was upstairs on snack duty.

Zac began playing airplane with Faith, making the noises and movements of one, stopping just as he heard Fatima's movements. He was not tryna hear her mouth, in her words, Zac be carrying her like a sack of potatoes.

The door opening to reveal no other than Fatima with a box of popcorn and some bagged candy she got on sale after Halloween was over with. She gave the candy to Junior on the lower level before going up the steps to see Faith and Zac playing together. She had on her cute mittens with a hat on, she was at that stage where pulling her own hair and crying was a daily occurrence.

"She fighting sleep so hard." She spoke flopping down next to them, "I know right..." He chuckled before continuing, "Junior what movie we watching?"

"MONSTER INC!" He shouted flying out his seat, both Zac and Fatima groaned. "I don't know why you groaning, you only been here a year, I've been doing this since he could talk...like 3 years ago." Zac spoke rolling his eyes.

Ignoring his statements, "Junior press play please." Wasting no time, Junior press play and then hit the lights, with only small dim lights on the steps, it was fairly dark as the speakers began to play the movie. "I know you ain't just stick your hand in my popcorn." She swatted his hand away.

"You know...for it to be our day...you sure have been against me." He mugged her before stealing some more popcorn. Faith was quiet as could be, laying on her stomach, she was fighting sleep hard as Zac and Fatima continued to bicker quietly.

"Whatever." Fatima spoke ending their funny but petty feud over popcorn. Half way through the movie, the AC picked up which leaving a cold Zac. Fatima wrapped her blanket around him, snuggling in deeper. "Tired of you shaking like a stripper."

Zac just smiled as he looked down at her laying on her, that moment was short lived. "Will you stop." Fatima laughed grabbing Zac's hands, "If you would be patient, you will be more satisfied later than some quick sneaky nut."

He shrugged his shoulders, "Or I can get both?"

"Or you can get none." She replied back earning a deep huff from Zac, "Always gotta take it there."

"I don't know why you act like you can't wait a few more hours?" She chuckled stuffing more popcorn in her mouth. "You have gone months without it and survived."

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